Tiny White Bugs on Tomato Plants
- Either of two common garden pests are found on tomato plants as tiny white insects--aphids or whiteflies. Tomato plants can withstand large number of aphids without permanent damage but growth can become stunted. Aphids can be found in a variety of colors including white, green, pink, brown and black.
- Aphids cling to leaves, while whiteflies can become airborne. To determine which insect is attacking tomato plants, tap the leaves or stem. If a white cloud of tiny bugs is released, the problem is a whitefly infestation. Aphids hold tight to leaves.
- Sometimes a forceful spray of water from a garden hose is enough to knock aphids from tomato plants. Whiteflies, however, may simply return after the spray is turned off. A dousing with a diluted insecticidal soap will usually take care of either pest. Commercial sprays and insecticides may be needed in severe aphid infestations.
Aphids and Whiteflies
Determining Which One
Common Cures