Can I Get Her Back?
Can you get a certain girl to find romantic interest in you after things went sour? Yes you can and I'm going to do my absolute best to show you how.
So you want her back.
You let her get away, how isn't really important anymore.
The past is behind us, its over, it doesn't matter anymore.
We need to look forwards, towards the future.
In fact that is a great line to use to avoid fights that happened in the past.
Avoiding fights is a big deal.
One thing I absolutely know most girls hate is fighting, and you know what guys hate it to.
Avoid fighting at all costs, keep in mind you want her back and fighting will never help.
You're better off with compliments than a fight.
Now how do you get her back? How have you gotten anything you wanted from the moment you were born? That's right you've asked for it or cried when you haven't gotten it.
That is how babies get what they want and you know what, adults believe it or not also use similar tactics in more subtle ways.
People bribe to get what they want, getting her a small present wouldn't hurt.
Make it romantic, a key-chain you picked up at the store because you thought of her.
That will win you more points than anything you can say, it's real romance, for her.
Now not every girl will respond well to this, but you should know that you dated.
Remember you can't lose by trying something, but if she asks you to leave her alone you have to, case closed.
So you want her back.
You let her get away, how isn't really important anymore.
The past is behind us, its over, it doesn't matter anymore.
We need to look forwards, towards the future.
In fact that is a great line to use to avoid fights that happened in the past.
Avoiding fights is a big deal.
One thing I absolutely know most girls hate is fighting, and you know what guys hate it to.
Avoid fighting at all costs, keep in mind you want her back and fighting will never help.
You're better off with compliments than a fight.
Now how do you get her back? How have you gotten anything you wanted from the moment you were born? That's right you've asked for it or cried when you haven't gotten it.
That is how babies get what they want and you know what, adults believe it or not also use similar tactics in more subtle ways.
People bribe to get what they want, getting her a small present wouldn't hurt.
Make it romantic, a key-chain you picked up at the store because you thought of her.
That will win you more points than anything you can say, it's real romance, for her.
Now not every girl will respond well to this, but you should know that you dated.
Remember you can't lose by trying something, but if she asks you to leave her alone you have to, case closed.