Searching for rooms to rent in Groningen
Groningen is considered to be city of universities, therefore mostly houses and rooms are available for students here. If you are new in city of Groningen then it will be big a challenge to search a room for yourself. Electronic services of nation Groningen will not take any responsibility for finding a room for you, however they can help only. We will also help you out in finding rent rooms in Groningen. In Groningen there is nothing like a university housing campus for students. Students of Groningen live in student rooms and apartments with the natives in Groningen state. That is why these rooms and houses are specially design for a student to live in it and they are assigning to only students that are coming from outside of the country. That is why they are termed as "International Student Houses".
With the help of the Housing offices, which are very helpful in finding a house or room for the students of RUG (University of Groningen) and the Hanzehogeschool (a government based school), you can easily register for searching rooms in Groningen. This Housing agency offers you furnished houses and rooms in Groningen for new students coming from other eastern countries up to one year. If you are planning to come to the Groningen state to study or to work in the University of Groningen (RUG) or the Hansen University of Groningen (HG), which is again a very famous university of Groningen then you are more than welcome to register for renting with the Housing agencies and real estate Office.
If you are finding and searching for a general room in Groningen with a Dutch student, rooms amongst the natives, there are many useful and famous websites, for those persons who want to live in sharing with native students. Many rooms on "kamernet", which is a famous website for room searching, are rooms and apartments that are basically not furnished at all. Though; there are also short term rooms available which are well furnished on the website. In order to finding the rooms that are easily accessible on these websites you have to make an account which will let you to see and reply for the rooms in Groningen.
One more good option for deciding a room or apartment is a fan page on facebook site: "Free rooms Announcements in Groningen state" which will be very helpful for those students who are using facebook page and also finding a rent rooms in Groningen. It is actually a display page for international students who are willing o rent out their own rooms for the time interval that they are outside the country and for those students who are finding rooms to rent out. Many people are using this website so you can also take a look for a room to yourself and may be you will find something worthy.
If you approach for a swap over your semester to our city Groningen and you are planning to share room in Groningen with a student who has rented a room to live in, its room will be available on internet sites or advertisements in the university campus you can visit various website which are dealing in housing. One of the famous sites is Only students are allowed to post ads (so no agents and landlords can post any advertisements). So be alert that public housing and accommodation are very limited, especially those which are based on short stay and are only considered as students accommodations.
With the help of the Housing offices, which are very helpful in finding a house or room for the students of RUG (University of Groningen) and the Hanzehogeschool (a government based school), you can easily register for searching rooms in Groningen. This Housing agency offers you furnished houses and rooms in Groningen for new students coming from other eastern countries up to one year. If you are planning to come to the Groningen state to study or to work in the University of Groningen (RUG) or the Hansen University of Groningen (HG), which is again a very famous university of Groningen then you are more than welcome to register for renting with the Housing agencies and real estate Office.
If you are finding and searching for a general room in Groningen with a Dutch student, rooms amongst the natives, there are many useful and famous websites, for those persons who want to live in sharing with native students. Many rooms on "kamernet", which is a famous website for room searching, are rooms and apartments that are basically not furnished at all. Though; there are also short term rooms available which are well furnished on the website. In order to finding the rooms that are easily accessible on these websites you have to make an account which will let you to see and reply for the rooms in Groningen.
One more good option for deciding a room or apartment is a fan page on facebook site: "Free rooms Announcements in Groningen state" which will be very helpful for those students who are using facebook page and also finding a rent rooms in Groningen. It is actually a display page for international students who are willing o rent out their own rooms for the time interval that they are outside the country and for those students who are finding rooms to rent out. Many people are using this website so you can also take a look for a room to yourself and may be you will find something worthy.
If you approach for a swap over your semester to our city Groningen and you are planning to share room in Groningen with a student who has rented a room to live in, its room will be available on internet sites or advertisements in the university campus you can visit various website which are dealing in housing. One of the famous sites is Only students are allowed to post ads (so no agents and landlords can post any advertisements). So be alert that public housing and accommodation are very limited, especially those which are based on short stay and are only considered as students accommodations.