How to Become a Third-World Missionary
- 1). Use the Internet to find videos that feature interviews with "Third-World" missionaries. Try to find those that correspond to your specific faith, but if this is not possible, any videos will be fine. When watching these interviews, make sure you echo the sentiments expressed by the people being interviewed. It is important to make sure you have a passion for missionary work. Common sources are the Roman Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. These three denominations have the most missionaries in Third-World countries.
- 2). Find out what the specific education requirements are. Normally there are no requirements in this area, but it is better to check. Teachers are welcome for missionary work since part of the missionary work is often to set up schools.
- 3). Try to find people in your community who have done missionary work who can tell you firsthand what the work entails. Normally there are some missionaries in many different churches who travel during work breaks. Seek them out and ask questions. Missionaries are pleased to answer questions about their work and possibly sponsor those who wish to enter the missionary field.
- 4). Missionary training sessions are held online as well as in different communities. Speak with your religious leader about upcoming missionary training sessions. It is important to attend training sessions so you can get a feel of what the work is like. Again, this type of work requires a serious commitment and is not for everyone.
- 5). Go for it. Once you have all the necessary training and education, the best way to become a missionary is to jump right in. Choose whether or not you would like to go with a missionary organization or by yourself and then prepare to leave. Pack your bags and purchase your plane ticket and begin to prepare emotionally for your journey.