Diabetes - False Test Results
I recently got the results of my latest diabetes panel and within moments of checking the results on line I received a phone call from my primary physicians office.
It seemed my LDL cholesterol had gone up significantly and I might add unusually so, up 75 points.
I returned the call and a nurse got on the phone and explained to me I needed to pick up a prescription for 80 mg of simvastatin immediately.
I assured the nurse that if she were to look at the full blood lipid panel results as well as my A1C (average three month blood sugar level) it appeared the test was in error and we simply needed to run another test.
She retorted back the test could not be wrong and I was in danger of having a heart attack! I proceeded to tell her that 50% of people who have heart attacks have elevated LDL cholesterol and the other 50% do not.
She asked me if I was willing to take that chance.
I guess she didn't get the math.
Finally in frustration said she would have the doctor contact me.
I soon received an email from my primary physician who had the prescription ready for me to pick up.
He also added that even if I didn't have diabetes I would be in danger of having a heart attack.
I stood my ground through the course of several days and emails with my doctor who insisted the test results were not wrong but finally if it would make me more comfortable with taking the medication he would order a new lipid panel.
He did, I did and the new results of course showed my LDL at 75 points less than the first test! Therefore because of my blood lipid panel, high HDL low triglycerides and reasonable LDL, my cardiac risk was actually very low.
If I had listened to the medical fear propaganda being thrown my way I would have been on a high dose of a medication that has been well documented to have a multitude of side effects including causing muscle damage and heart attacks.
Why did I stand my ground? Because I'm in charge! It's my body, my life and I make it a point to know about diabetes and the metabolic syndrome that accompanies it.
As a whole the medical profession is taught to treat a symptom not a cause.
In the impersonal world of medicine a test result comes back and if the number doesn't match the "should be" chart, drugs are prescribed to make it so.
In my experience no attempt is ever made to find the cause of the abnormality or to address the side effects of the drugs prescribed.
This type of treatment results in a predictable myriad of side effects and prescribed medications ensuing in a downward spiral of poor health.
This progression is never more evident than in the medical communities standard treatment of diabetes.
So who's in charge? You are! Get educated, ask questions and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
Choose Health!
It seemed my LDL cholesterol had gone up significantly and I might add unusually so, up 75 points.
I returned the call and a nurse got on the phone and explained to me I needed to pick up a prescription for 80 mg of simvastatin immediately.
I assured the nurse that if she were to look at the full blood lipid panel results as well as my A1C (average three month blood sugar level) it appeared the test was in error and we simply needed to run another test.
She retorted back the test could not be wrong and I was in danger of having a heart attack! I proceeded to tell her that 50% of people who have heart attacks have elevated LDL cholesterol and the other 50% do not.
She asked me if I was willing to take that chance.
I guess she didn't get the math.
Finally in frustration said she would have the doctor contact me.
I soon received an email from my primary physician who had the prescription ready for me to pick up.
He also added that even if I didn't have diabetes I would be in danger of having a heart attack.
I stood my ground through the course of several days and emails with my doctor who insisted the test results were not wrong but finally if it would make me more comfortable with taking the medication he would order a new lipid panel.
He did, I did and the new results of course showed my LDL at 75 points less than the first test! Therefore because of my blood lipid panel, high HDL low triglycerides and reasonable LDL, my cardiac risk was actually very low.
If I had listened to the medical fear propaganda being thrown my way I would have been on a high dose of a medication that has been well documented to have a multitude of side effects including causing muscle damage and heart attacks.
Why did I stand my ground? Because I'm in charge! It's my body, my life and I make it a point to know about diabetes and the metabolic syndrome that accompanies it.
As a whole the medical profession is taught to treat a symptom not a cause.
In the impersonal world of medicine a test result comes back and if the number doesn't match the "should be" chart, drugs are prescribed to make it so.
In my experience no attempt is ever made to find the cause of the abnormality or to address the side effects of the drugs prescribed.
This type of treatment results in a predictable myriad of side effects and prescribed medications ensuing in a downward spiral of poor health.
This progression is never more evident than in the medical communities standard treatment of diabetes.
So who's in charge? You are! Get educated, ask questions and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
Choose Health!