Top 10 Word Games for Older Kids
A collection of games for older kids that reinforce vocabulary, spelling, and language building.
1. Smart Mouth
You get two letters, and then try to be the first to shout out a word that starts with the first and ends with the last. Fun for different ages and a variety of ways to play the game.More »2. Quiddler Card Game
Arrange your hand into words by taking turns drawing and discarding.More »3. Password Game
The classic word association game is addictive and easy to play anywhere.More »4. Blurt Game
The definition is given and players race to be the first to blurt out the word. Box includes the Jr. version also - nice bonus for different ages.More »5. Apples to Apples Game
The regular or party version should be fine for your older elementary child, especially playing with the family. For younger children, look at Apples to Apples Jr. Fun, award-winningMore »6. Upwords
My kids enjoy this game more than Scrabble.More »7. 20 Questions for Kids
In a handy book form, the classic clue game is organized in a fun way.More »8. Crossword Pyramids
About Homeschooling recommends this spelling game. New and award winning.More »9. Nanofictionary
About Board Games recommends this game and it looks fantastic for developing an understanding of the who, what, when, where, and why of a story. Fun too!More »10. A to Z Board Game
This game is similar to our favorite car games - Categories. Players cover their boards when they think of words in the category that start with each letter. Also comes in a Junior version, but I think older kids prefer the adult version.More »