How to Save Nigella Seeds
- 1). After the plant blooms, allow the seedpods to fully form and dry completely. You will know that the seedpods are completely dry when the top of the pod begins to split open at the seams.
- 2
Seedpods and Seeds
Collect the ripe seedpods as soon as the seams begin to split. The sooner you gather the seedpods, the less likely you are to lose seeds. If you don't collect them quickly enough, the seedpods will open up completely and the seeds will be shaken loose and lost. Collect the seedpods in a container that will catch any seeds that fall out of the pods while you are handling them. - 3). Break open the seedpods and collect all the seeds inside. If the seeds are green, they are not ready. These are no good for saving and should be discarded. You want to save hard black seeds.
- 4). Spread them out on a piece of paper and allow them to dry thoroughly. Dry seeds don't rot or grow mold.
- 5). Pick over the seeds to remove chaff and any poor-quality seeds. Pour the seeds into a clean, dry container that can be completely sealed to protect them from moisture. Avoid paper or cloth for storing seeds, as these materials can absorb moisture.
- 6). Mark on the container what variety of seeds is enclosed and the month and year you collected them. Store the seeds in a cool, dry location.