How to Raise HDL
- 1). Lose weight. Overweight individuals typically have higher levels of bad cholesterol. Additionally, obesity actually lowers the production of good cholesterol.
- 2). Cut alcohol consumption to 1 to 2 drinks a day. Moderate alcohol consumption promotes HDL production, but more than 1 to 2 daily drinks will increase demands on the liver, which can slow down the processing of bad cholesterol transported to the liver by HDL.
- 3). Develop an exercise plan with your doctor, even if it only involves a brisk walk three times a week. Exercise elevates the heart rate and boosts the metabolism--factors in promoting HDL production.
- 4). Stop smoking. Heart studies have shown that HDL levels increase when smokers give up the habit.
- 5). Eat a healthier diet that eliminates trans-fatty acids. Check the nutritional information on packaged foods for their fat content. Consume more fiber in whole-grain cereals, vegetables and fruits. Also, consume foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon.
- 6). Take a daily Vitamin B supplement. Vitamin B complex contains niacin, an acid that stimulates production of HDL.