How Much Omega-3 Should Be Used for ADHD?
- While fish is the richest source of omega-3 essential fats, too much of the wrong kinds of fish can also cause developmental problems in small children because of the high mercury content in fatty fishes. Striking the right balance so that your child receives the omega-3 he needs without overloading his system with mercury can be a challenge. In general, no more than two servings of tuna fish per week are recommended for pregnant women and children under the age of eight.
Always cook fish to an internal temperature of at least 145 degrees to avoid contaminating your child with parasites. When properly cooked, the fish should be flaky and tender, with no translucent areas. Use separate utensils and plates for raw fish and other foods when you are cooking. Avoid feeding your child very large fish, including shark, king mackerel, tilefish and swordfish, as these fish have the highest fat content and may be high in mercury. Stick to salmon, catfish and light tuna when feeding your child. Do not deep fry the fish you feed your child, as it may increase the levels of mercury in the fish, which could lead to toxicity in your child's developing brain. - Flax seed and flax seed oils are high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is converted to EPA and DHA--more essential omega-3 fats. Sprinkle 2 Tbsp. of flax seed or flax seed oil into recipes like muffins, meatloaf, smoothies or other mixes to provide your child with omega-3 fats. If you use flax seed, grind it first in a coffee grinder so the seeds don't just pass through your child's system. Make sure she is also getting enough vitamin C, zinc, and vitamins B-6 and B-3 in her daily diet, as a lack of these nutrients will inhibit the transformation of ALA into omega-3 acids.
- Giving your child supplements of fish oil or other omega-3s may help improve symptoms of ADHD, according to a recent Harvard study. Just one gram of fish oil supplementation a day was shown to make kids with ADHD calmer and less impulsive than a control group that took a placebo. If you choose to supplement your child's omega-3 essential fatty oils with fish oil capsules, be sure to purchase the type that says "mercury free" on its label.
Flax Seed