Success Is a Matter of Perspective
Everyone wants to be successful in life.
Almost no one wants or expects to fail.
Yet over 97% of people who start out in many home based businesses, including network marketing and internet businesses, will find failure as the result of their efforts.
These are often people who worked extremely hard and spent hundreds of hours trying to make a go of it.
They put their heart and soul into the business, but it did not work out well.
Money is a large factor in a feeling of success as a home based business owner.
If a person makes a million dollars, he can feel successful.
Sometimes he will feel successful if he receives any check or income at all, no matter how small.
If a person spends more on the business than he ever sees in returns, it is likely that a feeling of success is not present.
What one person considers as success, however, may not be success for another person.
If someone is content with earning $500 a month, he may feel like he is successful and his goals are met.
Feeling satisfied is a large part of success.
Success does not have to equate to money or a lack of it.
A person can be happy without having a lot of material goods.
If a person feels good about his life, he can be considered successful.
However, some money is necessary in order to feel any satisfaction or comfort in life.
Even people who are homeless and begging on the street for money do so because money is an absolute necessity in the marketplace.
No one is able to live without food, and that generally requires a certain amount of money in order to obtain although some food may be free.
It was interesting for patrons of an upscale food court in Southern California to note the man who went around eating left over food.
As people would leave their food and service items for someone to clean when they were finished eating, this man would walk over and start eating the remaining food.
It was perfectly good food, albeit someone's else's left over dinner.
He was obviously hungry and had found a place where he could get quality food which someone else had discarded.
Everyone is not that fortunate in finding food to sustain the body.
To this man, perhaps success was finding some quality food to eat.
Success comes in different ways and at different times.
Hopefully, everyone who tries to earn money from a home based business will stick with it and eventually find the success they deserve for their efforts.
Almost no one wants or expects to fail.
Yet over 97% of people who start out in many home based businesses, including network marketing and internet businesses, will find failure as the result of their efforts.
These are often people who worked extremely hard and spent hundreds of hours trying to make a go of it.
They put their heart and soul into the business, but it did not work out well.
Money is a large factor in a feeling of success as a home based business owner.
If a person makes a million dollars, he can feel successful.
Sometimes he will feel successful if he receives any check or income at all, no matter how small.
If a person spends more on the business than he ever sees in returns, it is likely that a feeling of success is not present.
What one person considers as success, however, may not be success for another person.
If someone is content with earning $500 a month, he may feel like he is successful and his goals are met.
Feeling satisfied is a large part of success.
Success does not have to equate to money or a lack of it.
A person can be happy without having a lot of material goods.
If a person feels good about his life, he can be considered successful.
However, some money is necessary in order to feel any satisfaction or comfort in life.
Even people who are homeless and begging on the street for money do so because money is an absolute necessity in the marketplace.
No one is able to live without food, and that generally requires a certain amount of money in order to obtain although some food may be free.
It was interesting for patrons of an upscale food court in Southern California to note the man who went around eating left over food.
As people would leave their food and service items for someone to clean when they were finished eating, this man would walk over and start eating the remaining food.
It was perfectly good food, albeit someone's else's left over dinner.
He was obviously hungry and had found a place where he could get quality food which someone else had discarded.
Everyone is not that fortunate in finding food to sustain the body.
To this man, perhaps success was finding some quality food to eat.
Success comes in different ways and at different times.
Hopefully, everyone who tries to earn money from a home based business will stick with it and eventually find the success they deserve for their efforts.