Anxiety Panic - Am I Crazy?
If you experience anxiety and panic attacks you need to know that you are not crazy, even though it can seem that way sometimes.
Your panic episodes and your feelings of anxiety are all just imagined worries you are having about something.
Remember what fear means?False Evidence Appearing Real, whatever it is you're worrying about you need to take a step back and understand that you are indeed safe and there is nothing to worry about.
The strong feelings of panic and fear can feel like a little voice inside of you that is trying to hold you back from progressing in life.
If you wanted to you could go as far as saying that your anxiety panic attacks are like demons in your head.
These demons are constantly watching you to keep you in your place.
Every time they see you are about to do something that they perceive to be a threat to their existence they arouse in you strong overwhelming feelings of fear and anxiety to stop you from taking the desired action.
It could be asking a person out, or going to a job interview; it could be getting your license or going to a social event.
This little demon inside of you feeds off of the negative emotional energy you give to it.
By stirring up these feelings inside of you, you take them on as your own and they do indeed become your own.
The more you feed this demon the stronger it becomes until it becomes a full blown disorder.
Pretty soon you begin to panic in certain situations; any little thing begins to bring about your anxiety panic.
Why do you think this is?If you have ever felt this powerful feeling then you may have noticed that if you had the nerve to tackle it head on that as soon as you did the feeling went away like magic.
Did you feel anxious or panic after a few minutes of engaging in the activity you were afraid of, or once the event happened that you were worrying about?I am pretty sure not, the demon inside of you called anxiety panic only try to stop you from taking a specific course of action in the first place.
When you take the action and ignore the feelings you find the feelings instantly go away.
You will find that this is the case when it comes to doing anything productive for yourself.
If you are trying to do something you know will benefit you, your mind will create all kinds of self doubt, worry, fear, anxiety and panic.
The little demons inside of you feast on these emotions.
Why do you think they don't come up when you are doing nothing productive?Think of these feelings as a way to keep from realizing satisfaction and don't give into them.
If the demons don't get fed then they will eventually die and you will be free from their interference.
Your panic episodes and your feelings of anxiety are all just imagined worries you are having about something.
Remember what fear means?False Evidence Appearing Real, whatever it is you're worrying about you need to take a step back and understand that you are indeed safe and there is nothing to worry about.
The strong feelings of panic and fear can feel like a little voice inside of you that is trying to hold you back from progressing in life.
If you wanted to you could go as far as saying that your anxiety panic attacks are like demons in your head.
These demons are constantly watching you to keep you in your place.
Every time they see you are about to do something that they perceive to be a threat to their existence they arouse in you strong overwhelming feelings of fear and anxiety to stop you from taking the desired action.
It could be asking a person out, or going to a job interview; it could be getting your license or going to a social event.
This little demon inside of you feeds off of the negative emotional energy you give to it.
By stirring up these feelings inside of you, you take them on as your own and they do indeed become your own.
The more you feed this demon the stronger it becomes until it becomes a full blown disorder.
Pretty soon you begin to panic in certain situations; any little thing begins to bring about your anxiety panic.
Why do you think this is?If you have ever felt this powerful feeling then you may have noticed that if you had the nerve to tackle it head on that as soon as you did the feeling went away like magic.
Did you feel anxious or panic after a few minutes of engaging in the activity you were afraid of, or once the event happened that you were worrying about?I am pretty sure not, the demon inside of you called anxiety panic only try to stop you from taking a specific course of action in the first place.
When you take the action and ignore the feelings you find the feelings instantly go away.
You will find that this is the case when it comes to doing anything productive for yourself.
If you are trying to do something you know will benefit you, your mind will create all kinds of self doubt, worry, fear, anxiety and panic.
The little demons inside of you feast on these emotions.
Why do you think they don't come up when you are doing nothing productive?Think of these feelings as a way to keep from realizing satisfaction and don't give into them.
If the demons don't get fed then they will eventually die and you will be free from their interference.