What If the True and Living God Specially Created Everything?
If God has created everything for a purpose, it would do us good to find out what it is and work with Him to make sure the purpose is fulfilled.
True science and the Holy Bible both tell us the same thing concerning God's creations.
True science, based on raw observable facts in the areas of natural laws, God-based philosophy and faith, shows us a very intelligent Being specially created the whole universe.
There is no other explanation for all of the intelligent design that is seen all around us.
Any other explanation is very unscientific.
All the things we see, from rocks to man, could have only been specially created with a purpose in mind.
Genesis 1 and 2 and Hebrews 11:3 show how God created the universe.
These Scriptures are not "Babylonian cosmology" or myths from people of an "uneducated mind.
" The Bible, which is God's explanation of His purpose for us, is completely reliable.
Admittedly, this is not what we are allowed to believe about the origin of our universe.
We are denied the truth about origins that is in the Holy Bible and True Science.
We have been led to believe that everything from hydrogen to human beings came into being through natural processes.
Naturally, this could never happen! There is no way something can come out of nothing.
Also, there is no way lifeless things can produce life.
Not only this, all of our natural laws are against this explanation of life from lifeless things, nothing-to-something religion.
The truth of the matter is, such a religious faith is far less believable than the statement "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
"--Genesis 1:1.
To complicate things even more, origins and "why" questions are outside the realm of naturalistic science.
These are in the realms of history, philosophy and faith.
However, even though origins are outside of naturalistic science, it is not impossible to determine from our observations that the universe could not have created itself.
There are only two explanations-the universe either created itself or it was created by an intelligent Being.
By eliminating the possibility of a natural cause for our existence, we have established the fact that God created the universe as He purposed to bring glory and honor to Himself.
As our Creator and Redeemer, God has a perfect right to be the Sovereign of the universe.
In other words, He has a right to tell us what to do.
In my opinion, this is the reason the "ruling elites" do not want us to know the truth concerning God's creations.
They want to be gods and goddesses.
They want us to bow down to them.
Perhaps, I should not be so down on these people! Right? OK! Enough said about them!
True science and the Holy Bible both tell us the same thing concerning God's creations.
True science, based on raw observable facts in the areas of natural laws, God-based philosophy and faith, shows us a very intelligent Being specially created the whole universe.
There is no other explanation for all of the intelligent design that is seen all around us.
Any other explanation is very unscientific.
All the things we see, from rocks to man, could have only been specially created with a purpose in mind.
Genesis 1 and 2 and Hebrews 11:3 show how God created the universe.
These Scriptures are not "Babylonian cosmology" or myths from people of an "uneducated mind.
" The Bible, which is God's explanation of His purpose for us, is completely reliable.
Admittedly, this is not what we are allowed to believe about the origin of our universe.
We are denied the truth about origins that is in the Holy Bible and True Science.
We have been led to believe that everything from hydrogen to human beings came into being through natural processes.
Naturally, this could never happen! There is no way something can come out of nothing.
Also, there is no way lifeless things can produce life.
Not only this, all of our natural laws are against this explanation of life from lifeless things, nothing-to-something religion.
The truth of the matter is, such a religious faith is far less believable than the statement "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
"--Genesis 1:1.
To complicate things even more, origins and "why" questions are outside the realm of naturalistic science.
These are in the realms of history, philosophy and faith.
However, even though origins are outside of naturalistic science, it is not impossible to determine from our observations that the universe could not have created itself.
There are only two explanations-the universe either created itself or it was created by an intelligent Being.
By eliminating the possibility of a natural cause for our existence, we have established the fact that God created the universe as He purposed to bring glory and honor to Himself.
As our Creator and Redeemer, God has a perfect right to be the Sovereign of the universe.
In other words, He has a right to tell us what to do.
In my opinion, this is the reason the "ruling elites" do not want us to know the truth concerning God's creations.
They want to be gods and goddesses.
They want us to bow down to them.
Perhaps, I should not be so down on these people! Right? OK! Enough said about them!