How to Store Programs on a Flash Drive
- 1). Plug the USB flash drive into a USB port on the computer. Wait for the USB flash drive's icon to appear on the computer desktop.
- 2). Drag the icon of the program that is to be stored on the USB flash drive onto the USB flash drive's icon.
- 3). Wait anywhere from a couple of minutes to a half hour for the program to copy onto the USB flash drive, depending upon the capacity of the USB flash drive. A pop-up window will appear and detail the progress of the program being copied by filling in a line from left to right (Mac) or right to left (PC).
- 4). Once the pop-up window detailing the progress of the copying disappears, drag the icon of the USB flash drive to the Trash (Mac) or right-click on the icon of the USB flash drive and select "Eject" from the pop-up menu (PC).
- 5). Pull the USB flash drive out of the USB port of the computer.