Skipper the Yellow Collared Macaw
Yellow Collared Macaw (Ara auricollis.)
Two years.
Skipper can say "Hi", "Hello", "Huh?", "Okay", "Skipper", "Hi, Skip", and "Doodle".
Skipper, like many Mini Macaws, is a one-person bird. While he is extremely sweet and affectionate towards me, he just doesn't like it when people try to "mess with his Momma". He enjoys car rides, and short outings to the bank and post office.
He is happiest when he is on me, whether we are hanging out at home or out running errands. He is very quiet for a macaw, making it easier for me to take him out to public places without being cited for disturbing the peace. He is potty trained too, which is a definite plus since he likes to stay on me all day!
Favorite Foods:
Skipper loves fresh foods, especially carrots, bananas, broccoli, and greens. He goes crazy over Nutriberries, and will do anything short of a cartwheel to get a peanut. He's got a big apetite, and is pretty good about trying new foods that I offer him. Unlike the rest of my birds, he's not a big fan of pelleted diets -- he'd much rather have a sample of whatever I'm eating for dinner!
Favorite Toys:
Skipper loves to play with wooden chew toys, especially if they include attachments of rope. He also loves anything that will make noise, and although his voice is soft for a macaw, he can cause quite a ruckus with a toy that he can ring or clank against his perch.
Favorite Games:
Skipper loves to play what I call the "climbing game". He will start on my finger and climb all the way up to the top of my head, then down to my ankles where he starts all over again. He will usually do this for as long as I will let him! He also loves to play with foot toys, and throw them in the floor for me to fetch. (He's really got me trained well!)
Worst Habit:
Skipper's worst habit is breaking buttons and zippers -- especially those that are in use when he is around. If I'm not careful, he will nearly undress me if I am wearing a button up shirt! He also has a small attitude problem whenever people try to take him off of me -- one that we are diligently working on improving!
How I Got Skipper:
When I first met Skipper, I was working part-time at a local pet shop caring for the exotic birds. We had several macaws that I was fond of, but when Skipper and I saw each other, it was love at first sight.
I would carry him on me all day at work. He would preen me contently, muttering softly to himself, and bonded strongly with me his first couple of weeks at the store. By the end of the second week, I had my heart set on buying him, but as I was scheduled to have surgery at the time, I wanted to wait until I had recovered.
My surgery came and went, and I returned to work anxious to see Skipper and bring him home. To my dismay, I found that another employee had sold him while I was in the hospital. I was heartbroken.
About a month later, I was working at the shop when the telephone rang. I answered it, and found myself talking to the young man that had purchased Skipper. He explained that he really wanted to keep him, but was moving into an apartment that did not allow pets, and was being forced to return him to the store. Ecstatic, I told the man not to worry -- Skipper would be coming home with me!
Skipper came back to the store a couple of days later, and came right to me, as if we had never been apart! I took him home that night and he has been my constant companion ever since. I feel very blessed to have Skipper in my life, and I believe that we were meant to be together. He's one of the smartest, sweetest, funniest little souls that I've ever had the good fortune to meet, and while he has his quirks, I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.