Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) Basics
Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) Basics
Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a nose job or nose surgery, is the most commonly performed facial plastic surgery procedure in the US. In the past 2 years, nearly 600,000 people in the US have undergone rhinoplasty, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Rhinoplasty patients usually welcome the subtle improvement that adds symmetry and balance to their faces. A nose job will help the patient have a natural-appearing nose that is balanced to the remainder of the face and adds to the existing beauty of the eyes and lips. Rhinoplasty is generally performed for cosmetic reasons like improving the appearance of the nose or for reconstructive reasons like correcting a breathing problem.
Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a nose job, can correct many imperfections in the nose including a nasal hump or a deviated septum, and can also improve appearance by narrowing the tip or shortening the nose. Rhinoplasty is performed on about 350,000 American noses annually, making it the most common cosmetic surgical procedure.
Rhinoplasty can help improve a nose that is too crooked, too wide, too short, or too long. Bumps or humps on the nose can be removed. The shape, angle, size, and definition of the tip of the nose can also be adjusted. Rhinoplasty can also repair a deviated septum, which can help correct breathing problems caused by such a condition. The procedure should not be performed until the patient's facial growth and development has completed; generally, that age is 15-16 years old for women and 16-17 years old for men.
To minimize the risks of retrograde infections, which can occur because of the nature of the nose and surrounding area's blood supply, follow your plastic surgeon's pre-procedure and post-procedure advice.
The patient and surgeon will decide whether or not to use general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Incisions are made both inside the nostrils and on the columella, the skin that separates the nostrils. The soft tissues of the nose are separated from underlying structures, and the cartilage and bone are then reshaped to repair any deformity.
If the strength or structure of the nose needs strengthening, a small piece of the patients' own cartilage or bone may be used by the surgeon for reinforcement. This may be necessary or helpful for breathing or other functional reasons, or for cosmetic purposes. Synthetic implants may also be used if there is no bone or cartilage to spare, or if the bone and cartilage are already weak or damaged. Alloplastic synthetics can be used, with some risk of long-term complications; in other cases, cartilage from the septum, ear, or rib are used in the reconstruction process.
After nose surgery, a tape dressing will be applied and will cover the nose for one week. Some discoloration and/or swelling may occur around the eyes, but will subside within five to seven days. Most patients return to work and social activities in a week or so. Contact a nose surgeon today for more answers about rhinoplasty.
For more information about Rhinoplasty, Rhinoplasty procedures, Advantages and Disadvantages etc. Please contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss the best treatments for you. You can also visit at
">http://donaldtlevinemd.com/rhinoplasty_nose_job_improved [http://donaldtlevinemd.com/rhinoplasty_nose_job_improved<br].
Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a nose job or nose surgery, is the most commonly performed facial plastic surgery procedure in the US. In the past 2 years, nearly 600,000 people in the US have undergone rhinoplasty, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Rhinoplasty patients usually welcome the subtle improvement that adds symmetry and balance to their faces. A nose job will help the patient have a natural-appearing nose that is balanced to the remainder of the face and adds to the existing beauty of the eyes and lips. Rhinoplasty is generally performed for cosmetic reasons like improving the appearance of the nose or for reconstructive reasons like correcting a breathing problem.
Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a nose job, can correct many imperfections in the nose including a nasal hump or a deviated septum, and can also improve appearance by narrowing the tip or shortening the nose. Rhinoplasty is performed on about 350,000 American noses annually, making it the most common cosmetic surgical procedure.
Rhinoplasty can help improve a nose that is too crooked, too wide, too short, or too long. Bumps or humps on the nose can be removed. The shape, angle, size, and definition of the tip of the nose can also be adjusted. Rhinoplasty can also repair a deviated septum, which can help correct breathing problems caused by such a condition. The procedure should not be performed until the patient's facial growth and development has completed; generally, that age is 15-16 years old for women and 16-17 years old for men.
To minimize the risks of retrograde infections, which can occur because of the nature of the nose and surrounding area's blood supply, follow your plastic surgeon's pre-procedure and post-procedure advice.
The patient and surgeon will decide whether or not to use general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Incisions are made both inside the nostrils and on the columella, the skin that separates the nostrils. The soft tissues of the nose are separated from underlying structures, and the cartilage and bone are then reshaped to repair any deformity.
If the strength or structure of the nose needs strengthening, a small piece of the patients' own cartilage or bone may be used by the surgeon for reinforcement. This may be necessary or helpful for breathing or other functional reasons, or for cosmetic purposes. Synthetic implants may also be used if there is no bone or cartilage to spare, or if the bone and cartilage are already weak or damaged. Alloplastic synthetics can be used, with some risk of long-term complications; in other cases, cartilage from the septum, ear, or rib are used in the reconstruction process.
After nose surgery, a tape dressing will be applied and will cover the nose for one week. Some discoloration and/or swelling may occur around the eyes, but will subside within five to seven days. Most patients return to work and social activities in a week or so. Contact a nose surgeon today for more answers about rhinoplasty.
For more information about Rhinoplasty, Rhinoplasty procedures, Advantages and Disadvantages etc. Please contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss the best treatments for you. You can also visit at
">http://donaldtlevinemd.com/rhinoplasty_nose_job_improved [http://donaldtlevinemd.com/rhinoplasty_nose_job_improved<br].