Tools for Bible Study
- A Bible concordance is a dictionary of various biblical words or topics that a person may be interested in. It contains lists all of the Bible verses that pertain to this word. For example, if you want to know what the Bible has to say about money management, you would look up the word "money" in the concordance, then search every verse in your Bible that deals with money.
- Another effective tool for Bible study is to read a few study guides and commentaries as a supplement to your Bible reading. For example, if you're reading the book of Hebrews and you're having trouble understanding certain chapters within this book, you can utilize study guides and commentaries from credible Bible scholars on the book of Hebrews.
- In some cases, religious magazines can help you in your Bible study. If you're studying God's guidelines for courtship in your Bible study and the religious magazine you subscribe to is doing a month-long series of articles on this topic, you can write down the verses from these articles to get a better understanding of what courtship is.
- One of the primary reasons you attend church is to receive spiritual wisdom from sound biblical teaching through the pastor, and this is another excellent tool for studying your Bible. For example, if your pastor has been discussing eternal salvation and you want to know more about this, you can take the notes from the sermon and do further study on your own time.
Bible Concordance
Bible Study Guides and Commentaries
Religious Magazines
Church Sermons