What Every Parent Should Know About Asthma
Over the past fifty years, scientists have discovered many causes and cures for asthma, but when you or your child gets an asthma attack the scientists' cures are not much use.
About fifteen years ago I discovered by accident what really causes asthma.
When my son suddenly developed asthma aged six, a neighbour suggested that we use goat's milk as a substitute for regular pasteurised milk.
She said that it is used to treat Asthma and that it works in some cases but not in all cases.
I tried it and it worked great for about a month and then my son's Asthma returned again.
Both my wife and I were devastated until we discovered our son was getting pasteurised milk at school.
We continued giving our son goat's milk, but this time we did it differently.
We used goat's milk exclusively instead of pasteurised milk, on his tea and his cereal and a small glass last thing at night before going to bed and then first thing in the morning.
We continued doing this for twelve weeks and then we let him drink normal milk again to see how it would affect him.
He is now twenty six years old, a fully qualified carpenter building timber framed houses and not a sign that he ever had Asthma.
Goats milk is not an alternative medicine, it is simply a safe and simple alternative milk containing all the nutritional values that pasteurised milk should contain, but without the asthma causing agent.
Goat's milk can be purchased from most major Supermarkets and can be taken along with any other medicine or inhalers.
It does not have any side effects.
This treatment has proven to be one hundred percent effective with every child or adult that has tried it.
The patient or parent that is taking this treatment will know inside 48 hours that it is working.
If a child has been born with asthma or has developed it in the first six months of its life this treatment still works but the treatment must be continued into teenage years.
It is very IMPORTANT that this treatment is continued nine to twelve weeks to allow the immune system build up a resistance to the asthma causing agent in normal pasteurised milk.
As asthma affects a large percentage of lower income and single parent families will be happy to know that this treatment is FREE.
I didn't have to pay for it so why should you.
Members of the scientific or medical world may or may not agree with my thesis, but when you watch helplessly as your child starts turning blue from an asthma attack, the only thing that matters then is what works and saves the child's life.
About fifteen years ago I discovered by accident what really causes asthma.
When my son suddenly developed asthma aged six, a neighbour suggested that we use goat's milk as a substitute for regular pasteurised milk.
She said that it is used to treat Asthma and that it works in some cases but not in all cases.
I tried it and it worked great for about a month and then my son's Asthma returned again.
Both my wife and I were devastated until we discovered our son was getting pasteurised milk at school.
We continued giving our son goat's milk, but this time we did it differently.
We used goat's milk exclusively instead of pasteurised milk, on his tea and his cereal and a small glass last thing at night before going to bed and then first thing in the morning.
We continued doing this for twelve weeks and then we let him drink normal milk again to see how it would affect him.
He is now twenty six years old, a fully qualified carpenter building timber framed houses and not a sign that he ever had Asthma.
Goats milk is not an alternative medicine, it is simply a safe and simple alternative milk containing all the nutritional values that pasteurised milk should contain, but without the asthma causing agent.
Goat's milk can be purchased from most major Supermarkets and can be taken along with any other medicine or inhalers.
It does not have any side effects.
This treatment has proven to be one hundred percent effective with every child or adult that has tried it.
The patient or parent that is taking this treatment will know inside 48 hours that it is working.
If a child has been born with asthma or has developed it in the first six months of its life this treatment still works but the treatment must be continued into teenage years.
It is very IMPORTANT that this treatment is continued nine to twelve weeks to allow the immune system build up a resistance to the asthma causing agent in normal pasteurised milk.
As asthma affects a large percentage of lower income and single parent families will be happy to know that this treatment is FREE.
I didn't have to pay for it so why should you.
Members of the scientific or medical world may or may not agree with my thesis, but when you watch helplessly as your child starts turning blue from an asthma attack, the only thing that matters then is what works and saves the child's life.