Help With an Overdrawn Bank Account
- Contact your bank's customer service department to get help with your overdrawn account balance. Typically, you can find the toll-free number for your bank on the reverse side of your ATM card, on the bank's website or on your account statement. Ask the banking representative to provide details about your account activity that caused your account to become overdrawn. Your bank may have placed a hold on your funds for a recently deposited payroll check. If merchants or utility companies presented checks that you issued for goods or services, an overdraft for several items may occur.
- Review your checkbook to inspect your register of checks and balances. You can determine if the checks that were issued should have cleared based on your checking account balance. If you notice an error in your calculation that has caused the overdrawn status for your bank account, remit the shortage of funds to stabilize your account balance. Bank accounts that remain overdrawn for an extended period may lead to the closure of your account.
- Banking fees can really begin to compound after your account becomes overdrawn. Some banks charge service fees for each day that an account is overdrawn. Fees vary by bank; however, most banks assess an overdraft fee for each item against insufficient fund. In some cases, a banking error may have caused your account to become overdrawn. Your research of the details can help determine the cause of the account deficiency. For errors caused by your bank, a representative may be able to help you resolve your issue and credit your account unwarranted banking fees.
- Frequent imbalances within your checking account may indicate your need to understand the basic functions of your account. Go to your bank and ask a representative or a manager to review your account history to help determine the cause of your frequently overdrawn check account. A few basic checking instructions might help you avoid additional returned check fees and keep your account from being overdrawn. Your banking representative could help you acquire overdraft protection to cover shortages in your checking account.
Customer Service
Checking Basics