How to Triangulate a Phone Signal
- 1). Make sure the cell phone is powered on since it needs a strong signal for triangulation.
- 2). Contact the cellular network carrier of the phone and obtain information about the specific cell phone's location and position at a particular time. You will have to request them to provide you with the exact measurement of the three cellular towers' radii. Since towers receive radio signals from cell phones and pass them along to other towers, it's important that you note down the signal from three different towers.
- 3). Draw the first tower's radius on a paper. This is the tower with the strongest cell phone signal.
- 4). Draw the second tower's radius (with the second strongest signal). The map will contain two overlapping circles at this point.
- 5). Draw the third tower (with the third strongest signal).
The map will now have an intersection point where the three radii will be meeting. This is a rough estimate of the actual cell phone location.