How to Fix Wrinkles
- 1). Always wear sunscreen to protect your skin. The sun's radiation accelerates aging. You can't reverse existing wrinkles, but you can help prevent new ones from forming.
- 2). Apply a moisturizer as part of your daily face-washing routine. Wrinkles form when the collagen bonds in your skin deteriorate. Moisturizer enhances your skin's water-holding ability and repairs the collagen bonds.
- 3). Try an anti-aging cream. Topical retinoids made from Vitamin A help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, acne and other sun damage. Common topical retinoids are Retinaldehyde, Retinol, Tretinoin, Isotretinoin, Adapalene and Tazarotene. Other unproven formulas you can try include Vitamin C, alpha-hydroxy acids and polypeptides.
- 4). Visit a spa or aesthetician for a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. These therapies won't fix deep facial lines, but can reduce fine lines and even out skin pigmentation and texture.
- 5). Consider injectable treatments. Restylane and Juvederm work as fillers. Muscle relaxers such as Dysport and Botox (also known as Botulinum toxin) act as neuromuscular blocking agents. According to the New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated, a neuromuscular blocking agent "causes paralysis of the injected muscle by preventing the release of acetylcholine from motor nerve terminals. Without its nerve supply, the muscle fibre withers away. The muscle strengthens again as the nerves regenerate."
- 6). Research laser skin rejuvenation. It's a breakthrough procedure that can help with sagging skin, fine lines, age spots, skin discoloration and spider veins.
- 7). Explore cosmetic surgery. A face lift can remove excess skin and tighten muscles. A brow lift can decrease static lines and lift drooping eyebrows. You can even have the sagging skin on your neck tightened. Surgeons can work on any part of your face. Face lifts can range anywhere from $6,000 to $15,000.
Protect Your Skin