How to Clear Free Space That Gets Rid of Images
- 1). Clear free space with Windows Disk Cleanup. Open the Start menu, type "disk cleanup" into the Search box to launch the application. Select your Windows hard drive and click "Ok." The utility will scan the drive for unnecessary files to remove, freeing up disk space. These files can included downloaded file, temporary Internet files, offline web pages -- all of which may contain image files. The amount of saved space is displayed in the window. Select all file types and click "Ok," then "Delete Files."
- 2). Delete unwanted images. Typically, your picture files are stored in the "Pictures" folder -- within "Documents." Highlight the files and select "Move to Recycle Bin" to delete them. The more pictures you delete, the more space is cleared on the drive.
- 3). Search for image files to delete. If the images are scattered across your hard drive and not in one particular folder, open the Start menu and type "*.jpg" into the Search box. The utility will search for all files with the .JPG extension (image file). Select the unwanted images in the search results, right-click and select "Move to Recycle Bin" to delete. Other image file types include .gif, .bmp and .png.
- 4). Empty the Recycle Bin. After moving all the unwanted images to the Recycle Bin, right-click the icon on your desktop and select the option to empty it. This will permanently delete the images from your disk, clearing free space.