The Numerous Dangers Of Chantix
The dangers of Chantix were recently revealed when the FDA released a heath advisory against the anti-smoking drug in November of 2007.
Chantix, which is used to help smokers quit cigarettes, has been linked to 55 suicides and may cause known psychological disturbances, like extremely aggressive or erratic behavior.
Some of the more troublesome, but non-lethal Chantix side effects are as follows:
1) Nausea
2) Dizziness
3) Headaches
4) Abnormal dreams
5) Cramps and gas
6) Vomiting
The FDA has been growing concerned by potentially life threatening Chantix side effects that include suicidal thoughts. In fact, one of the many dangers of Chantix appears to be the onset of suicidal tendencies within days or weeks of taking the smoking cessation pill. Likewise, people with a prior history of mental disorders are prone to be adversely affected by Chantix side effects.
The dangers of Chantix also includes an increase in aggressive and erratic Behavior. This can end up harming patients physically as well as emotionally, as people who display aggressive behavior will have a greater chance of getting involved in fights or being arrested.
Extreme drowsiness is another one of the dangers of Chantix, which will make it impossible for users to operate heavy machinery or drive.
Reports are sketchy, but there are indications that the manufacturer may have been well aware of the dangers of Chantix and released the drug without warnings on the packages.
If this is the case, you may have the right to file a Chantix lawsuit.
When looking into Chantix lawsuit options, be sure to consult with a reputable Chantix lawyer.
A competent Chantix lawyer won't be very hard to find. An online search can reveal who the top product liability and wrongful injury attorney's are in your area. Friends and family who have utilized the services of personal injury attorneys will be of good use to you as well.
Once you have found the proper Chantix lawyer, you can take proactive steps towards starting a Chantix lawsuit.
The process of filing and pursuing a Chantix lawsuit will be long and laborious. With due diligence, you will be able to recover monetary awards for the harm inflicted upon you or loved ones by Chantix.
Drug companies may have known about the dangers of Chantix. Don't let them get away with harming you or those you loved. File a Chantix lawsuit with an experienced Chantix lawyer today!
If you or someone you know has been using Chantix and have suffered from related Chantix side effects, seek the aid of a doctor immediately. After the doctor's evaluation, your next step should be to call a qualified Chantix lawyer.
Chantix, which is used to help smokers quit cigarettes, has been linked to 55 suicides and may cause known psychological disturbances, like extremely aggressive or erratic behavior.
Some of the more troublesome, but non-lethal Chantix side effects are as follows:
1) Nausea
2) Dizziness
3) Headaches
4) Abnormal dreams
5) Cramps and gas
6) Vomiting
The FDA has been growing concerned by potentially life threatening Chantix side effects that include suicidal thoughts. In fact, one of the many dangers of Chantix appears to be the onset of suicidal tendencies within days or weeks of taking the smoking cessation pill. Likewise, people with a prior history of mental disorders are prone to be adversely affected by Chantix side effects.
The dangers of Chantix also includes an increase in aggressive and erratic Behavior. This can end up harming patients physically as well as emotionally, as people who display aggressive behavior will have a greater chance of getting involved in fights or being arrested.
Extreme drowsiness is another one of the dangers of Chantix, which will make it impossible for users to operate heavy machinery or drive.
Reports are sketchy, but there are indications that the manufacturer may have been well aware of the dangers of Chantix and released the drug without warnings on the packages.
If this is the case, you may have the right to file a Chantix lawsuit.
When looking into Chantix lawsuit options, be sure to consult with a reputable Chantix lawyer.
A competent Chantix lawyer won't be very hard to find. An online search can reveal who the top product liability and wrongful injury attorney's are in your area. Friends and family who have utilized the services of personal injury attorneys will be of good use to you as well.
Once you have found the proper Chantix lawyer, you can take proactive steps towards starting a Chantix lawsuit.
The process of filing and pursuing a Chantix lawsuit will be long and laborious. With due diligence, you will be able to recover monetary awards for the harm inflicted upon you or loved ones by Chantix.
Drug companies may have known about the dangers of Chantix. Don't let them get away with harming you or those you loved. File a Chantix lawsuit with an experienced Chantix lawyer today!
If you or someone you know has been using Chantix and have suffered from related Chantix side effects, seek the aid of a doctor immediately. After the doctor's evaluation, your next step should be to call a qualified Chantix lawyer.