How To Use Hair Extensions To Get Faster Natural Hair Growth
Many people get hair extensions because their hair doesn’t grow or they may have hair loss problems
So in this article I will show you a way to choose the right hair extensions as you get your own natural hair growth to super fast speeds
If you want hair extensions because you feel like are losing hair dent panic, hair extensions are good and will not affect your natural hair growth
So the first question is what type of hair extensions do you need and the second question is how do I get my hair to grow fast
So lets answer the first question about what type of hair extensions you need whiles you grow your hair long
Which hair extensions should you use? The kind you braid in tracks or the fusion bonded hair extension? . What's the best way? First know that the prices of hair extensions vary from $600-2500
First beware that fusion bonded ones may cause damage to your hair.
Your best bet with hai4 extensions is to get natural hair, but be advised that no matter what you wear or how the hair extensions are attached, it will be uncomfortable for the first week.
It is also recommended that you retouch your roots with hair coloring
The average price of hair extensions is about $700.00 and this will depend on how fast you hair grows; you will need to go back in and get them reattached when your hair grows.
The negative side of hair extensions is that they do make your natural hair break in certain areas.
Next you need to choose what kind of hair extensions you want in your hair, are they going to be Sew-in? Bonded? Glued? Clip-ins?
Your best bet with hair extensions is to have them sew-in (this is true especially if you have coarse hair) as this method allows your hair to relax and not have so much stress on it.
You will find that with hair extensions you might tremendous growth as you tend not to straighten your hair or put any kind of stress or chemicals in it.
I would avoid the Bonded and glued hair extensions as they can cause breakage to your hair because it is glued in the hair. Or bonded onto your real hair, which in both vases stresses and damaged the hair
Now the nest question is how do we get our hair to grow like weeds whiles using extensions and the answer to this is Mira hair oil
it contains powerful all natural herbs that have been proven to boost hair growth as well as give you longer thicker and more manageable hair.
it also works to as follows
1. it removes and unclogs hair pores for hair to grow fast
2. it has herbs proven to stimulate hair growth
3. herbs also suppress DHT the hormones responsible for hair loss stimulates blood flow to the scalp allowing faster hair growth Plus it ensures you will never have a bad hair day and stimulates the growth of strong, thick, silky hair that will get you noticed wherever you go! How does this oil work?
In short Mira hair oil accelerates the lush growth of hair. It strengthens the hair, prevents hair loss and dandruff. It is also prevents the premature graying of hair. It deepens the color of the hair and restores it to its natural youthful color , It also complete removes harmful toxins left behind by shampoos that block hair follicles and which lead to dandruff, thinning hair and hair loss! Mira hair gel is an excellent herbal hair treatment remedy it is all natural and it vitalizes the growth of your hair! You could call it “food for your hair roots and scalp”
So, if you are having issues with your hair you need to give this amazing oil a try! One try and you will be hooked
Click the link in the authors box below to try Mira hair oil for free
So in this article I will show you a way to choose the right hair extensions as you get your own natural hair growth to super fast speeds
If you want hair extensions because you feel like are losing hair dent panic, hair extensions are good and will not affect your natural hair growth
So the first question is what type of hair extensions do you need and the second question is how do I get my hair to grow fast
So lets answer the first question about what type of hair extensions you need whiles you grow your hair long
Which hair extensions should you use? The kind you braid in tracks or the fusion bonded hair extension? . What's the best way? First know that the prices of hair extensions vary from $600-2500
First beware that fusion bonded ones may cause damage to your hair.
Your best bet with hai4 extensions is to get natural hair, but be advised that no matter what you wear or how the hair extensions are attached, it will be uncomfortable for the first week.
It is also recommended that you retouch your roots with hair coloring
The average price of hair extensions is about $700.00 and this will depend on how fast you hair grows; you will need to go back in and get them reattached when your hair grows.
The negative side of hair extensions is that they do make your natural hair break in certain areas.
Next you need to choose what kind of hair extensions you want in your hair, are they going to be Sew-in? Bonded? Glued? Clip-ins?
Your best bet with hair extensions is to have them sew-in (this is true especially if you have coarse hair) as this method allows your hair to relax and not have so much stress on it.
You will find that with hair extensions you might tremendous growth as you tend not to straighten your hair or put any kind of stress or chemicals in it.
I would avoid the Bonded and glued hair extensions as they can cause breakage to your hair because it is glued in the hair. Or bonded onto your real hair, which in both vases stresses and damaged the hair
Now the nest question is how do we get our hair to grow like weeds whiles using extensions and the answer to this is Mira hair oil
it contains powerful all natural herbs that have been proven to boost hair growth as well as give you longer thicker and more manageable hair.
it also works to as follows
1. it removes and unclogs hair pores for hair to grow fast
2. it has herbs proven to stimulate hair growth
3. herbs also suppress DHT the hormones responsible for hair loss stimulates blood flow to the scalp allowing faster hair growth Plus it ensures you will never have a bad hair day and stimulates the growth of strong, thick, silky hair that will get you noticed wherever you go! How does this oil work?
In short Mira hair oil accelerates the lush growth of hair. It strengthens the hair, prevents hair loss and dandruff. It is also prevents the premature graying of hair. It deepens the color of the hair and restores it to its natural youthful color , It also complete removes harmful toxins left behind by shampoos that block hair follicles and which lead to dandruff, thinning hair and hair loss! Mira hair gel is an excellent herbal hair treatment remedy it is all natural and it vitalizes the growth of your hair! You could call it “food for your hair roots and scalp”
So, if you are having issues with your hair you need to give this amazing oil a try! One try and you will be hooked
Click the link in the authors box below to try Mira hair oil for free