Pyrography Fire Art on Wood For Pleasure or Profit - Six Seeds of Thought to Help Your Business
At the first opportunity, set yourself up at a craft fair or similar event where you are displaying your Pyrography and allow the public to watch you at work.
(Remember public safety always comes first with regards to your equipment.
If you engage the public in practical work then you must do a risk assessment to cover the work involved).
If you have the space and a suitable machine/nibs available, then why not allow individual members of the public to have a chance of producing a simple design.
For a nominal charge to cover your costs, they could burn their name on a wooden pendent or key ring fob.
Inviting people to try their hand at Pyrography will stimulate interest in the craft and will encourage people to look at your items displayed for sale.
Do take time to explain clearly to each person the common sense rules of safety.
Most importantly make sure you highlight that all children must be supervised by an adult and I would also add a minimum age of say - eight years old for any child wishing to try out Pyrography at a public venue.
Use charm to attract and appeal to your customers by creating an ambiance for people visiting your display.
If you are burning on wood, then show quality samples of the different kinds of woods that you use for Pyrography.
You might find a nice piece of wood in it's raw state perhaps a part log with interestingly patterned bark.
Display it in a way that shows the cut of the log in contrast to items you may have burned of similar shape for e.
a picture plaque.
If you are able to collect a few leaves, cones or any other tree items, then arrange them in a natural but attractive manner across your display area.
Do you have a friend or know of someone that can create a haunting little tune for you on a tape/disc, perhaps with a flute or a complementary musical instrument? You might find a site on the internet where you can download music that is public domain where you do not need to worry about copyright.
Set yourself up with surround sound and play your disc to add to the wood burning atmosphere but don't have the volume too loud so that it drowns out everything going on around you.
Try to pick something that fits in with your theme of work.
Sew the seeds of desire into your clientèle by using the art of Fascination.
Stimulate more interest in Pyrography by putting out a teasers where people can handle pieces of wood and guess what kinds of timber it is and make a quick sample wood chart to allow them to find the answers out for themselves.
If you want to take your quiz a little further, have another chart with the silhouettes of each tree type giving the public the opportunity to match the wood with a tree silhouette.
Link doing the quizzes with getting a wood burning freebie (see 6).
Be sure to have a sign which is large enough to be read from a vantage point that gives a brief description of what the Art of Pyrography is about.
Make up a folder with a description of the different types of materials you use and where they are from.
If you burn purely wood, then you should be using wood products from renewed forests, so make sure you display a sign that promotes this and says why.
Have information books that are about trees and wood in general on your display.
If you are frightened they may go for a walk then anchor them down with an easily made slip on cover that has a tie to it to link it to your display table.
Make a second folder that holds a collection of good quality photographs of the Pyrography that you do not have on display.
Put into it an appropriate price list and a note that states your work can be ordered in advance.
Offer a tempter for placing an order with you - It could be a small personalised item.
Give out freebies.
Make yourself up some easy to produce and inexpensive Pyrography freebies that have your name and contact address discreetly printed on the back (purchase a small stamp with your details on for quick and easy use).
Make up some card bookmarks, small gift cards and decorate with a mounted design that has been burned onto paper.
You can choose card in a variety of colours and paper to burn on in a contrasting colour.
Have about 4 or 5 simple designs for the paper pieces e.
g geometric pattern or flowers.
You should be able to produce them very quickly in an evening and then mount them onto your bookmarks and cards when you next have a free half an hour.
You do not have to attempt to do all of these things at the same time but use a selection of the ideas to help pull people over to your stall or display area.
I wish you lots of luck!
At the first opportunity, set yourself up at a craft fair or similar event where you are displaying your Pyrography and allow the public to watch you at work.
(Remember public safety always comes first with regards to your equipment.
If you engage the public in practical work then you must do a risk assessment to cover the work involved).
If you have the space and a suitable machine/nibs available, then why not allow individual members of the public to have a chance of producing a simple design.
For a nominal charge to cover your costs, they could burn their name on a wooden pendent or key ring fob.
Inviting people to try their hand at Pyrography will stimulate interest in the craft and will encourage people to look at your items displayed for sale.
Do take time to explain clearly to each person the common sense rules of safety.
Most importantly make sure you highlight that all children must be supervised by an adult and I would also add a minimum age of say - eight years old for any child wishing to try out Pyrography at a public venue.
Use charm to attract and appeal to your customers by creating an ambiance for people visiting your display.
If you are burning on wood, then show quality samples of the different kinds of woods that you use for Pyrography.
You might find a nice piece of wood in it's raw state perhaps a part log with interestingly patterned bark.
Display it in a way that shows the cut of the log in contrast to items you may have burned of similar shape for e.
a picture plaque.
If you are able to collect a few leaves, cones or any other tree items, then arrange them in a natural but attractive manner across your display area.
Do you have a friend or know of someone that can create a haunting little tune for you on a tape/disc, perhaps with a flute or a complementary musical instrument? You might find a site on the internet where you can download music that is public domain where you do not need to worry about copyright.
Set yourself up with surround sound and play your disc to add to the wood burning atmosphere but don't have the volume too loud so that it drowns out everything going on around you.
Try to pick something that fits in with your theme of work.
Sew the seeds of desire into your clientèle by using the art of Fascination.
Stimulate more interest in Pyrography by putting out a teasers where people can handle pieces of wood and guess what kinds of timber it is and make a quick sample wood chart to allow them to find the answers out for themselves.
If you want to take your quiz a little further, have another chart with the silhouettes of each tree type giving the public the opportunity to match the wood with a tree silhouette.
Link doing the quizzes with getting a wood burning freebie (see 6).
Be sure to have a sign which is large enough to be read from a vantage point that gives a brief description of what the Art of Pyrography is about.
Make up a folder with a description of the different types of materials you use and where they are from.
If you burn purely wood, then you should be using wood products from renewed forests, so make sure you display a sign that promotes this and says why.
Have information books that are about trees and wood in general on your display.
If you are frightened they may go for a walk then anchor them down with an easily made slip on cover that has a tie to it to link it to your display table.
Make a second folder that holds a collection of good quality photographs of the Pyrography that you do not have on display.
Put into it an appropriate price list and a note that states your work can be ordered in advance.
Offer a tempter for placing an order with you - It could be a small personalised item.
Give out freebies.
Make yourself up some easy to produce and inexpensive Pyrography freebies that have your name and contact address discreetly printed on the back (purchase a small stamp with your details on for quick and easy use).
Make up some card bookmarks, small gift cards and decorate with a mounted design that has been burned onto paper.
You can choose card in a variety of colours and paper to burn on in a contrasting colour.
Have about 4 or 5 simple designs for the paper pieces e.
g geometric pattern or flowers.
You should be able to produce them very quickly in an evening and then mount them onto your bookmarks and cards when you next have a free half an hour.
You do not have to attempt to do all of these things at the same time but use a selection of the ideas to help pull people over to your stall or display area.
I wish you lots of luck!