Cake Ideas for a Kid's First Decade
- One-year-olds are too small to care what you do with their cake.BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
A toddler does not yet understand what's happening at his birthday party. He may or may not even notice the cake until it's time to actually eat it. That gives you complete license to entertain yourself and your adult guests with its design or to keep it simple--chances are you have enough to deal with and don't need one more thing to think about. Children at this age may not yet have been exposed to the common, sugar-and-butter-filled birthday cake flavor that they will expect later on so this is a good opportunity to choose a healthier cake. Carrot cakes and batters sweetened with fruit juice or apple sauce are better for the little ones and still tasty enough for the adults to enjoy. - Preschoolers have been to enough birthday parties to know what to expect.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Preschoolers are old enough to understand what birthdays are and to get excited about their party. They've been to other children's birthday parties and they're beginning to have expectations of what such parties involve. They may have themes, colors, games and even cake designs in mind, so ask your child if there is anything in particular she would like on her cake before you make an executive decision. Children at this age are excited by things they recognize so illustrating the cake with pictures of a favorite book or TV characters is sure to be a hit. - Children at this age like seeing their name on things.Jupiterimages/ Images
Children in this age range have a strong sense of self and are beginning to want to do things on their own. Now that they have the fine motor skills to manage it, they may enjoy helping to decorate their birthday cake. By this age, they have learned in school to label things belonging to them with their name so simple cake designs featuring your child's name are a popular option. Early school-age children are often very clear about what their favorite toys, characters or ambitions are; you can plan your child's party and his cake around his current obsession. - Model your child's cake after his hobbies.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
By this time, your child is probably contributing extensively to the party planning process. She probably knows what theme she wants, how many guests she wants and what games she wants to play and she may have requested particular flavors and designs for the cake. If not, remember that kids at this age tend to self-segregate by gender. For your 10-year-old daughter, choose a feminine design featuring flowers or fashion; for a son, go for superheros, sports or aliens. You know your child's interests--if he hasn't told you what he wants, you can make an educated guess as to what he will like.
Ages 1 to 2
Ages 3 to 5
Ages 6 to 8
Ages 9 to 10