Natural Cures With Honey
- Reach for honey the next time you're feeling ill.honey pot with some honey image by Francois du Plessis from
Honey is one of nature's most amazing and delicious gifts. Most people are familiar with honey's culinary versatility, but not everyone knows that it has a long tradition of use in folk medicine. Honey is often used in facials because of its ability to clean and moisturize all types of skin, leaving it looking younger and renewed. Many of the properties that make honey an effective beauty treatment are the some ones that make it a natural curative. - Use honey on cuts,scrapes, and minor burns to keep the wound clean and to speed healing. The antibacterial properties of honey have long been accepted in the practice of folk and natural medicine; however, a summary of scientific studies published on the Chet Day website found honey to be effective for treating infected wounds. The acidity in honey inhibits the growth of bacteria and naturally produces hydrogen peroxide. Honey also absorbs pus, reduces pain and wound smell, and promotes the growth of new skin tissue.
- Honey is a common ingredient in homemade cough remedies, and even some commercial cough suppressants advertise the use of honey. Honey coats and lubricates an irritated throat, providing immediate topical relief and quieting the cough. Honey boiled briefly with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, or whiskey is a basic recipe for cough syrup in folk medicine.
- It makes sense that eating honey or honeycomb produced where you live may help fight seasonal allergies. Since local honey contains pollen from the plants you are allergic to, each dose works like a mini-vaccination, naturally building the immune system's ability to tolerate allergens. Daily doses of honeycomb or honey collected from the nearest bee farm may completely alleviate your allergy symptoms.
- The Earth Clinic website reports that the fructose in honey works to flush alcohol from the bloodstream and shorten the lingering effects of a hangover. Spread honey on crackers or bread and eat a few bites before going to bed and immediately on rising.
Treat Wounds with Honey
Ease a Cough with Honey
Treat Allergies with Honey
Cure a Hangover with Honey