How to Make a Calming Herbal Sachet
- 1). If you want to make this a quick project, just put a pinch of each of the herbs into a coffee filter and secure it with a twist tie. If you want something longer-lasting, go to the next step.
- 2). Take your two squares of fabric (about 4" square is fine) and place them face to face. Sew along 3 sides to form a pocket.
- 3). Turn the bag right side out. Cut the Velcro to be as wide as the opening of the bag. Affix the Velcro to the inside top edges of the bag. Now you can open and close it at will. You may choose to stitch it down for added strength.
- 4). Place the herbs inside the sachet. You don't need a lot. A pinch of each is enough. The scent will last for quite some time before you need to replace the herbs.
- 5). Place the sachet inside your pillow case on the side you sleep on. This will ease you to sleep at night. You may also carry it In a pocket to sniff during the day whenever you need to relax.
- 6). Adding catnip will aid you in sleeping.
- 7). Before tossing the herbs out, if the scent has gone away, try microwaving the sachet for a few seconds to warn the herbs and renew the aroma. Just be sure there are no metal bits. Microwaving is not recommended if you've made your sachet with a coffee filter and twist tie.