5 Reasons for Increasing Divorce Rates All Over the World
There are many possible reasons why the rate of divorce is increasing worldwide. This is despite the fact that divorce is a huge stressor that puts two people (and their children) through a difficult time dividing assets and dividing up families. The truth is that some people realize that divorce is the lesser evil. It's more preferrable than staying in a marriage where one or both of the married couple is unhappy.
One reason why in general, marriage divorce rate worldwide is rising (with the US as one of the countries with the highest divorce rate) is that in many parts of the world, divorce laws have become more lenient than before. The divorce rate world just shows how many people think that they will be better off dissolving the marriage than staying in an unhappy marriage. In the US, all states have already adopted a no-fault divorce law. Prior to this, people who wanted to get divorced should have a "good enough" reason for wanting it. Somebody has to be at fault (mentally incapacitated, cheating, lying, beating the other up, etc) for divorces to be accepted in court. With the no-fault divorce law approved in all states, people can get divorced amicably when both of them that the marriage is already irreparable.
Another possible reason is that the number of women pursuing their own careers has something to do with the increasing marriage divorce rate in the world. Many years back, men and women enter into marriage with a clear idea of their roles on their minds. Now women want something more. Most of them want to have a career too instead of just staying home to take care of their husband and kids. It puts a strain on the marriage when husbands have trouble accepting this, or when women are having trouble with the demands of both worlds. In other words, men rarely worry about having to juggle children, spouse and career, unlike women who almost always need to worry about this.
The third reason is that the world has also changed a lot in the past few years. Many people are already becoming more accepting of the concept of divorce. They don't really judge people who get divorced unlike before. As a result, people who want to get divorced are less likely to take into consideration the stigma of being divorced. It's now a lot easier to adjust to a different lifestyle because many family and friends are becoming supportive and accepting of the idea.
The fourth reason is that these days, there are many ways to help a person after divorce. There are support groups specifically for divorce, counseling and therapy and even divorce fairs. Men and women are less afraid of going through a divorce now than they were before.
The fifth reason could be the fact that divorce is portrayed very differently on TV and movies these days. Perception counts for a lot and when people see famous actors and actresses get divorced, it glamorizes the concept a little. At the very least, the common stereotypes about divorce doesn't hold true anymore.
One reason why in general, marriage divorce rate worldwide is rising (with the US as one of the countries with the highest divorce rate) is that in many parts of the world, divorce laws have become more lenient than before. The divorce rate world just shows how many people think that they will be better off dissolving the marriage than staying in an unhappy marriage. In the US, all states have already adopted a no-fault divorce law. Prior to this, people who wanted to get divorced should have a "good enough" reason for wanting it. Somebody has to be at fault (mentally incapacitated, cheating, lying, beating the other up, etc) for divorces to be accepted in court. With the no-fault divorce law approved in all states, people can get divorced amicably when both of them that the marriage is already irreparable.
Another possible reason is that the number of women pursuing their own careers has something to do with the increasing marriage divorce rate in the world. Many years back, men and women enter into marriage with a clear idea of their roles on their minds. Now women want something more. Most of them want to have a career too instead of just staying home to take care of their husband and kids. It puts a strain on the marriage when husbands have trouble accepting this, or when women are having trouble with the demands of both worlds. In other words, men rarely worry about having to juggle children, spouse and career, unlike women who almost always need to worry about this.
The third reason is that the world has also changed a lot in the past few years. Many people are already becoming more accepting of the concept of divorce. They don't really judge people who get divorced unlike before. As a result, people who want to get divorced are less likely to take into consideration the stigma of being divorced. It's now a lot easier to adjust to a different lifestyle because many family and friends are becoming supportive and accepting of the idea.
The fourth reason is that these days, there are many ways to help a person after divorce. There are support groups specifically for divorce, counseling and therapy and even divorce fairs. Men and women are less afraid of going through a divorce now than they were before.
The fifth reason could be the fact that divorce is portrayed very differently on TV and movies these days. Perception counts for a lot and when people see famous actors and actresses get divorced, it glamorizes the concept a little. At the very least, the common stereotypes about divorce doesn't hold true anymore.