High School Homecoming Spirit Ideas
- Foam fingers, T-shirts, jackets and face paint are synonymous with team spirit. Set a table up outside of the cafeteria and in front the school (before and after school) to sell spirit items. Get your cheerleaders, mascot and spirit coordinators to model items all week and get the school pumped. An early morning cheer before school starts will get students pumped.
- The homecoming rally is the pre-party. You can have a parade lead people to the rally where the homecoming court will be announced, the team captains lead their squad and coaches give a pep talk to motivate the team and their supporters. make sure to invite alumni to the pep rally. No pep rally will be complete without having your mascot poke fun at those on the stage or in the audience. Keep the spirit gear available as people will buy items for the moment.
- Make sure there is a PA system set up that can be used to rally the spirit of the crowd. Have a stage where the homecoming court will be presented and can watch the game. Most of all, make sure your halftime schedule is Super Bowl worthy. Keep it timed tightly with the band bringing down the house with school spirit songs and cheerleader performances.
- This is the celebration after the game and is best done the next day to give players and supporters time to recuperate from the emotions of the game. Make sure the dance follows the theme of the week and encourage everyone to come. This is the time the school unites, regardless of what click you are in. You can achieve this by offering activities other than just dancing that attracts students who are a bit more shy.
Spirit Gear
The Rally
Game Day
The Dance