Botox,Dermal Fillers,Chemical Peels & Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation
Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Procedures:
Anti-wrinkle injections otherwise commonly known as Botox® which is a neurotoxin (botulinium toxin); it is used to inject into wrinkles typically regions of the face and neck.
The volumes or quantities used to effectively treat wrinkles are not sufficient to cause systemic harm (several thousand vials). Botox® is used for non cosmetic conditions such as Hyperhidrosis (excessively sweaty palms, armpits or feet), blepharospasm (twitching eyelids), migraines and cerebral palsy patients.
The injections take approximately 10-15 minutes to perform and Dr. Bobby Kumar uses ice blocks as an effective anaesthetic to minimise pain of the needle and reduce the risk of bruising.
It can be used as an adjunct to other procedures or it may be the only cosmetic procedure some patients will ever have.
Fillers (Juvederm,Restylane,Perlane)
Fillers are natural non human or animal based products called Hylauronic acid a compound found in our own body. They are used to increase the volumes of regions of the face such as the lips, and to non-surgically remove deep wrinkles particularly around the mouth and from the nose to the corner of the mouth.
An anaesthetic nerve block will be required as the injection does sting; other common adverse reactions are swelling and redness for 1-2 days and bruising.
Chemical Peels and Dermabrasion
Chemical peels utilise different chemicals to induce a peel of various depths of the skin, typically the face, chest and hands.
The recovery is dependent on the depth of the peel. The main adverse reactions are hyper or hypo pigmentation, scarring and infection.
Fine lines, uneven pigmentation, blemishes and other problems can make us look older than we are. Chemical peel addresses these problems by removing the outer layer of skin and revealing the younger looking skin below.
Chemical peels may be done with trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Jessner’s solution or alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). The precise formula used is tailored to your individual needs.
concentrations of AHA are applied at weekly (or sometimes longer) intervals. Alphahydroxy acids can also
be combined with skin care and used daily to improve skin texture.
Dermabrasion also is used as a resurfacing tool and it is particularly useful for scarred skin such as in acne scars or to help smooth trauma or surgical scars.
by Dr. Bobby Arun Kumar Cosmetic & Restorative Surgeon
for more information visit Bare Aesthetics Cosmetic Surgery Clinic
Anti-wrinkle injections otherwise commonly known as Botox® which is a neurotoxin (botulinium toxin); it is used to inject into wrinkles typically regions of the face and neck.
The volumes or quantities used to effectively treat wrinkles are not sufficient to cause systemic harm (several thousand vials). Botox® is used for non cosmetic conditions such as Hyperhidrosis (excessively sweaty palms, armpits or feet), blepharospasm (twitching eyelids), migraines and cerebral palsy patients.
The injections take approximately 10-15 minutes to perform and Dr. Bobby Kumar uses ice blocks as an effective anaesthetic to minimise pain of the needle and reduce the risk of bruising.
It can be used as an adjunct to other procedures or it may be the only cosmetic procedure some patients will ever have.
Fillers (Juvederm,Restylane,Perlane)
Fillers are natural non human or animal based products called Hylauronic acid a compound found in our own body. They are used to increase the volumes of regions of the face such as the lips, and to non-surgically remove deep wrinkles particularly around the mouth and from the nose to the corner of the mouth.
An anaesthetic nerve block will be required as the injection does sting; other common adverse reactions are swelling and redness for 1-2 days and bruising.
Chemical Peels and Dermabrasion
Chemical peels utilise different chemicals to induce a peel of various depths of the skin, typically the face, chest and hands.
The recovery is dependent on the depth of the peel. The main adverse reactions are hyper or hypo pigmentation, scarring and infection.
Fine lines, uneven pigmentation, blemishes and other problems can make us look older than we are. Chemical peel addresses these problems by removing the outer layer of skin and revealing the younger looking skin below.
Chemical peels may be done with trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Jessner’s solution or alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). The precise formula used is tailored to your individual needs.
- Alphahydroxy acids, including glycolic, lactic and fruit acid, produce light peels and may be used to treat fine wrinkles, areas of dryness, uneven pigmentation and acne. They improve the texture of the skin and, because they are mild, do not require a period of recovery after their use. To provide the best results, customized
concentrations of AHA are applied at weekly (or sometimes longer) intervals. Alphahydroxy acids can also
be combined with skin care and used daily to improve skin texture.
- Trichloroacetic acid peels are stronger and produce a medium depth peel. They may cause swelling, and a crust or scab forms on the treated area. Recovery from a TCA peel typically takes a week to 10 days.
Dermabrasion also is used as a resurfacing tool and it is particularly useful for scarred skin such as in acne scars or to help smooth trauma or surgical scars.
by Dr. Bobby Arun Kumar Cosmetic & Restorative Surgeon
for more information visit Bare Aesthetics Cosmetic Surgery Clinic