Riding Through The Years
Ever since the creation of the first motorcycle at beginning of the 1900's by William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson, there have been those who have chosen to see the world from the back of a motorcycle. They did some experiments on a motorized bicycle. These two men became more influential to American motorcycling than all of the rest combined. These two men along with Arthur's brothers created the Harley-Davidson Motor Company in 1903. From this sprang the longest running motorcycle manufacturing firm in the world.
Other manufacturing companies cropped up. The motorcycle became readily available to the everyday person, whereas the automobile was still too much money for everyone to own. When the automobile grew in popularity and was also sold at a price that more could afford to buy one, the emphasis changed to more people purchasing an automobile. At that time the marketing of motorcycles got to change, and change it did. Now they were marketed as a sport, and leisure activity, rather than trying to compete with automobiles as a practical way of transportation, especially when it came to families. It could fit only 2 people, at most 3-4 people with a side car, where as a car could fit the whole family.
After World War II a lot of people came back from the war restless and not content to go back to the way things were. They could afford transportation, and there was a whole new highway system to explore. Many of them decided to explore those new roads on a motorcycle. Biking in general has had some different stereotypes connected with it. In the 50's, in part because of some of the movies like The Wild One, motorcyclists were looked at as the rebels. More than that though, was that Johnny, through the actor Marlon Brando, represented for many a way of life that was different from the dull conformity of life they were no longer wanting to live. The classic motorcycle jacket was born out of this era. It is the rebel rider look, or the Brando and Dean look.
So biking evolved to the point that in the 50's for the most part nice people weren't bikers. It was not easy to own a bike. Owning a car at that time was not that much different than owning a car today. They were relatively reliable, and easily maintained. This was not so of motorcycles. This was before there was such a thing as electric-start, so just starting them could be a traumatic experience. Keeping it running was just as difficult. So this meant that riders, who rode a lot, knew a lot about the inner workings of their bikes. They had to. It made it hard for the everyday person to be able to own a one and keep it running.
One of the main reasons changes came about that made riding an easier experience, was more manufacturing companies started up and this meant more competition. Now the technological advances of motorcycles began. One thing that came about to change the feeling about biking was an ad campaign that Honda put out in the 60's, which was, you meet the nicest people on a Honda. This ad featured a man and a woman that had the look of the couple next door, having a great time seeing the world from the back of a Honda.
Today more and more people choose to travel, commute and see the world in this way. There is nothing like cruising down the open road with a 360 degree view of the world. This is not just driving by the ocean, it is riding by hearing it, seeing it and smelling it.
Other manufacturing companies cropped up. The motorcycle became readily available to the everyday person, whereas the automobile was still too much money for everyone to own. When the automobile grew in popularity and was also sold at a price that more could afford to buy one, the emphasis changed to more people purchasing an automobile. At that time the marketing of motorcycles got to change, and change it did. Now they were marketed as a sport, and leisure activity, rather than trying to compete with automobiles as a practical way of transportation, especially when it came to families. It could fit only 2 people, at most 3-4 people with a side car, where as a car could fit the whole family.
After World War II a lot of people came back from the war restless and not content to go back to the way things were. They could afford transportation, and there was a whole new highway system to explore. Many of them decided to explore those new roads on a motorcycle. Biking in general has had some different stereotypes connected with it. In the 50's, in part because of some of the movies like The Wild One, motorcyclists were looked at as the rebels. More than that though, was that Johnny, through the actor Marlon Brando, represented for many a way of life that was different from the dull conformity of life they were no longer wanting to live. The classic motorcycle jacket was born out of this era. It is the rebel rider look, or the Brando and Dean look.
So biking evolved to the point that in the 50's for the most part nice people weren't bikers. It was not easy to own a bike. Owning a car at that time was not that much different than owning a car today. They were relatively reliable, and easily maintained. This was not so of motorcycles. This was before there was such a thing as electric-start, so just starting them could be a traumatic experience. Keeping it running was just as difficult. So this meant that riders, who rode a lot, knew a lot about the inner workings of their bikes. They had to. It made it hard for the everyday person to be able to own a one and keep it running.
One of the main reasons changes came about that made riding an easier experience, was more manufacturing companies started up and this meant more competition. Now the technological advances of motorcycles began. One thing that came about to change the feeling about biking was an ad campaign that Honda put out in the 60's, which was, you meet the nicest people on a Honda. This ad featured a man and a woman that had the look of the couple next door, having a great time seeing the world from the back of a Honda.
Today more and more people choose to travel, commute and see the world in this way. There is nothing like cruising down the open road with a 360 degree view of the world. This is not just driving by the ocean, it is riding by hearing it, seeing it and smelling it.