How to Make a Friendship Wrist Cuff
- 1). Cut four strands of three different colors of embroidery floss to equal lengths of around 3 feet. Group the strands together side by side.
- 2). Form the end of the group of strands into a loop leaving about 3 inches. Feed the loose end of the group through the loop and pull it tight to create an overhand knot. Put a safety pin through the overhand knot and attach it to your pants.
- 3). Separate out your floss strands.
- 4). Take the left-most strand. Pass it over and back under the strand to the right and bring it back in front of the first strand. Pull the knot tight. Do the same to each strand in the row, using the left-most strand. The left-most strand will finish as the furthest right strand once you have knotted all the strands. Repeat the process starting with the new left-most strand.
- 5). Continue to make rows until the wrist cuff is as long as you want it. Tie another overhand knot to secure the design.