Ramond Davis Vs Dr. Aafia Siddiqui
Nowadays, the headlines of media - electronic as well as print - are entitled with the case-improvements of American inhabitant (agent), Ramond Davis, which has also turned out to be an origin of apprehension in the bilateral relations of Pakistan and USA. The situation has reached to a state that almost all the current affair programs at different news channels and front pages of newspapers are oriented around this issue of tie-ness between both the countries / states. Analysts from different walks of life pass their views and comments about the criminal act of murder by Ramond Davis, his backdrop history, and the bangs of his case upon the strategic relationships of Pakistan and USA. A few numbers of analysts suggest that Ramond Davis should be hand-over to USA as they take it vital to retain our state's strategic partnership with USA. But most of the analysts, which are patriotic Pakistanis, are stressing upon the judicial prosecution of this case in order to be good at our state's sovereignty.
On the other side of this case, the alone super-power of the world, United States of America, is stressing the government of Pakistan to release him without any judicial prosecution, by pretending in different ways and by claiming that he (Ramond Davis) is attached to the embassy of USA in Pakistan because of which, he does not accountable to any judicial prosecution. For this purpose, USA is also quoting the applicability of certain international laws. Thus, USA is trying its best to release even its single inhabitant despite of his act of criminality.
Reciprocal to this reality about the USA's commitment to release its criminal inhabitant, the response of the government of Pakistan was 'shameful' in respect to the false cases against Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who has been ill treated physically, psychologically, and sexually without any sense of humanity. But our government holders remain senseless just by passing a few oral comments about her case, without any practical approach towards the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui to her own homeland. Besides, the public of Pakistan remained expressing their feelings and emotions for the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui which also could not convert the oral comments of government holders to the practical approach towards her case.
So, through the channel of this column, I suggest to the stakeholders of Pakistan's so called "Democratic Government" to take a lesson from the USA's ruling class that how a state should protect and defend its inhabitants, either they are at a mistake?
On the other side of this case, the alone super-power of the world, United States of America, is stressing the government of Pakistan to release him without any judicial prosecution, by pretending in different ways and by claiming that he (Ramond Davis) is attached to the embassy of USA in Pakistan because of which, he does not accountable to any judicial prosecution. For this purpose, USA is also quoting the applicability of certain international laws. Thus, USA is trying its best to release even its single inhabitant despite of his act of criminality.
Reciprocal to this reality about the USA's commitment to release its criminal inhabitant, the response of the government of Pakistan was 'shameful' in respect to the false cases against Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who has been ill treated physically, psychologically, and sexually without any sense of humanity. But our government holders remain senseless just by passing a few oral comments about her case, without any practical approach towards the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui to her own homeland. Besides, the public of Pakistan remained expressing their feelings and emotions for the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui which also could not convert the oral comments of government holders to the practical approach towards her case.
So, through the channel of this column, I suggest to the stakeholders of Pakistan's so called "Democratic Government" to take a lesson from the USA's ruling class that how a state should protect and defend its inhabitants, either they are at a mistake?