Discover How to Remove Social Anxiety
Do you worry every time you get an invitation to some form of social occasion? then you will already know how debilitating it can be.
You are not alone, did you know that it is estimated that 7% of the population suffer from Social Anxiety in one form or another? If Panic & Anxiety is preventing you from living your life to the full, just imagine how good it would feel if you could Discover How to Remove Social Anxiety.
How will it feel to attend that wedding without being nervous, your heart racing, dreading all the handshaking that will no doubt be involved.
If this scenario sounds familiar you will be pleased to hear it doesn't have to be this way, with some time & commitment on your part there are effective methods available without taking medication.
Here are some simple tips to try when you feel anxiety rising & spiraling out of control
When you do attend social gatherings try to limit your time there, do what feels manageable & don't try to force yourself too hard.
Of course you will have to use your discretion as you don't want to appear rude by leaving a party 15 minutes after arriving! Just make sure that invitations that you do accept are a duration that you feel comfortable with.
It will also help if you view social events in a positive way, if you are not looking forward to it & are pessimistic with a bad attitude it won't do much for your recovery.
If at any time you find that you are in an unavoidable social setting try to keep positive & have a good attitude towards it, you may well surprise yourself by how well you deal with the situation.
You are not alone, did you know that it is estimated that 7% of the population suffer from Social Anxiety in one form or another? If Panic & Anxiety is preventing you from living your life to the full, just imagine how good it would feel if you could Discover How to Remove Social Anxiety.
How will it feel to attend that wedding without being nervous, your heart racing, dreading all the handshaking that will no doubt be involved.
If this scenario sounds familiar you will be pleased to hear it doesn't have to be this way, with some time & commitment on your part there are effective methods available without taking medication.
Here are some simple tips to try when you feel anxiety rising & spiraling out of control
- Read a book
- Listen to some of your favorite music
- Go for a walk
- Just by taking a few minutes when needed without any pressure will help you relax.
- Deep breathing - breathe in through your nose slowly and hold it for ten seconds before slowly breathing out.
This will have a calming effect on your body, help the heart rate slow down & the mind to focus on the breathing rather than the panic.
When you do attend social gatherings try to limit your time there, do what feels manageable & don't try to force yourself too hard.
Of course you will have to use your discretion as you don't want to appear rude by leaving a party 15 minutes after arriving! Just make sure that invitations that you do accept are a duration that you feel comfortable with.
It will also help if you view social events in a positive way, if you are not looking forward to it & are pessimistic with a bad attitude it won't do much for your recovery.
If at any time you find that you are in an unavoidable social setting try to keep positive & have a good attitude towards it, you may well surprise yourself by how well you deal with the situation.