Tools for the Use of Personal Protective Equipment
- Individuals working in healthcare facilities risk exposure to bloodborne pathogens like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis with patient interaction or contact with potentially contaminated bodily fluids. Wear gloves whenever contact with bodily fluids could occur. Treat all bodily fluids as potentially contaminated and use additional PPE like disposable gowns and booties when exposed to large amounts of fluids. Wash your hands after removing your PPE.
- Use respiratory PPE whenever contact with airborne contaminants could occur. Healthcare workers should wear basic face masks when exposed to patients with respiratory illness or to prevent the spread of contaminants to the patient. Advanced respirators are indicated in cases of tuberculosis and must be fit specifically to the individual. Work-specific respirators are also used in environments containing large amounts of vapors, gases or dust.
- Noisy industrial environments can cause hearing loss. PPE-like earplugs or more sophisticated hearing protectors are used according to OSHA guidelines to prevent hearing loss. To prevent vision loss, employers are required to provide eye protection when employees risk exposure to light radiation. Protective eye wear must include detachable side-shields to protect the eyes from damage like splashing toxic chemicals.
- Employees who work with toxic or hazardous substances risk exposure and potential injury. Employers in these environments provide specialized protective clothing specific to the substances that are present. PPE including boots, coveralls and long armed rubber gloves are worn to protect employees. Work environments like manufacturing plants and construction sites expose employees to airborne debris. PPE like hard-hats, goggles and steel-toed boots are used in these environments.
- Basic PPE like latex and vinyl gloves, disposable gowns and masks can be purchased at a local drugstore or medical supply store. Employers are required to supply PPE appropriate for the employee's job description.
Bloodborne Pathogens
Airborne Contaminants
Environmental Hazards
Toxic and Hazardous Substances
Obtaining Personal Protective Equipment