How to Prevent Diseases for Adenium
- 1). Handle Adenium roots with care to prevent damage when planting. Apply river gravel or lava rock mulches around Adenium but never organic mulches. Plant in a location with adequate drainage to prevent rot and disease.
- 2). Choose a well-draining potting soil. Locate Adenium in full sun for optimum warmth and to keep the plant dry. Water Adenium consistently but not in excess. Allow the soil to dry before watering again. Mist leaves without soaking. Limit or cease watering during periods of rain or cold temperature.
- 3). Inspect regularly for pests, particularly in the beginning of the growing season. Remove mealy bugs, caterpillars, mites and any other garden pests on the Adenium. Apply Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), Neem oil or Sabadilla to Adenium leaves. Mist with insecticidal soap when insects invade. Apply Cryptolamus montrouzieri and Beauvaria bassiana insecticides to prevent and destroy mealybugs.
- 4). Apply 3 grams per liter of fungicide to Adenium foliage once every two weeks. Remove damaged or dry leaves and flowers. Trim rotting stems with clean loppers or clippers. Disinfect tools after each use. Pull dead stubs from rotting branches. Cut damaged stems until you reach a healthy white portion.