Monkey Activities for Kids
- The Internet has numerous resources containing monkey-themed crafts, with different crafts geared to a range of age groups. A great place to start is, which hosts a page of monkey crafts ranging from monkeys that can be constructed from such household items as toilet-paper rolls and discarded CDs. In addition, the site also features a number of more-complex crafts for older children, such as an origami monkeys and a monkey-themed jungle diorama.
- One of the most iconic stuffed-animal toys is the beloved sock monkey, which can be a great activity --- with a little help from a parent or caregiver who's handy with a sewing machine when it comes time to stitch the toy together. There are various online resources outlining specific instructions and materials needed, including patterns that can guide children on where and how to cut socks. For the classic-looking gray monkey, the website offers a free pattern and step-by-step instructions.
- If Halloween is coming up, children should enjoy making a hand-crafted mask. For younger children, the website features a simple paper mask that can be printed out and then colored, with children cutting out holes for eyes and mouth. For older children, the aforementioned Artists Helping Kids site has a link to instructions on how to make foam masks --- including a monkey mask --- and another link on how to make a homemade monkey costume for trick-or-treating.
- The popular PBS children's series "Zoom" challenges kids aged five to 11 to get off the couch and undertake fun activities, and the show's extensive website features many of the activities highlighted on the show, as well as activities sent in by viewers. Among these is the game Monkey See, Monkey Do, which requires three or more players. After one player leaves the room, the remaining players select one to be the titular monkey, who'll make movements and gestures that must be imitated by the other players. When the absent player re-enters, she must then try to guess which of the players is the monkey. If the monkey gets caught, he becomes the next guesser.
Monkey Crafts
Make a Classic Sock Monkey
Monkey Mask
Monkey See, Monkey Do