Little Known Secrets To Successful Abdominal Training
There are an awful lot of misconceptions about abdominal training.
Some people can do thousands of sit ups and never see their abs.
However, some people do no sit ups at all and have a perfect set of six pack abs.
Let me dispel some misconceptions and show you how to get the effects you are looking for.
When I was 40 pounds overweight, like everyone else I began running and doing stomach crunches.
While I burned calories running I just could not seem to get rid of the fat around my belly.
The misconception that everyone is laboring under is that you can spot reduce belly fat.
Not so! To see your abs you must reduce your overall body fat percentage and when you consider that a single pound of fat is 3,500 calories and the average person only burns 2,000 calories in a single day you can start to understand how exercises like sit ups and crunches do almost nothing to burn calories.
Now, like I did, most people seem to gravitate to running in order to burn calories and, while running and other cardio exercises do burn fat and help toward reducing your overall body fat percentage, they are not actually the best exercises to do this.
Think about it.
A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.
This is 1,500 calories more than the average person burns in the average day.
Even if you spend an hour on the treadmill you will only burn about 500 calories.
You have still got 3,000 calories to go to lose a pound of fat.
As you can see it is an uphill climb.
It was for me until I learned the truth.
What you must do is increase your metabolism so that you are burning calories at a higher rate throughout the day, even while you are resting.
Running is good at burning calories while you are exercising but, once you are done, the fat burning effects are too.
But there are exercises that you can do that will increase your metabolism and turn you into a fat burning furnace for hours afterward and these are weight lifting exercises.
Yes, I know, it sounds unbelievable because we all know that you can burn more calories in a half hour of running than you can in a half hour of lifting weights.
However, lifting weights builds muscle and, because muscle weighs more than fat, your body must work harder throughout the day and, consequently, burn more fat.
The best exercises to do to burn fat are not actually cardio exercises but things like the dead lift, bench press, dips, dumb bell snatches and others.
This is because your body exerts so much effort in these that it goes into a state of metabolic shock for days afterward.
Your body burns calories at a significantly higher rate.
These exercises also work your abs because they stabilize the rest of your body so that you do not need to do ab specific exercises like sit ups and crunches.
Some people can do thousands of sit ups and never see their abs.
However, some people do no sit ups at all and have a perfect set of six pack abs.
Let me dispel some misconceptions and show you how to get the effects you are looking for.
When I was 40 pounds overweight, like everyone else I began running and doing stomach crunches.
While I burned calories running I just could not seem to get rid of the fat around my belly.
The misconception that everyone is laboring under is that you can spot reduce belly fat.
Not so! To see your abs you must reduce your overall body fat percentage and when you consider that a single pound of fat is 3,500 calories and the average person only burns 2,000 calories in a single day you can start to understand how exercises like sit ups and crunches do almost nothing to burn calories.
Now, like I did, most people seem to gravitate to running in order to burn calories and, while running and other cardio exercises do burn fat and help toward reducing your overall body fat percentage, they are not actually the best exercises to do this.
Think about it.
A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.
This is 1,500 calories more than the average person burns in the average day.
Even if you spend an hour on the treadmill you will only burn about 500 calories.
You have still got 3,000 calories to go to lose a pound of fat.
As you can see it is an uphill climb.
It was for me until I learned the truth.
What you must do is increase your metabolism so that you are burning calories at a higher rate throughout the day, even while you are resting.
Running is good at burning calories while you are exercising but, once you are done, the fat burning effects are too.
But there are exercises that you can do that will increase your metabolism and turn you into a fat burning furnace for hours afterward and these are weight lifting exercises.
Yes, I know, it sounds unbelievable because we all know that you can burn more calories in a half hour of running than you can in a half hour of lifting weights.
However, lifting weights builds muscle and, because muscle weighs more than fat, your body must work harder throughout the day and, consequently, burn more fat.
The best exercises to do to burn fat are not actually cardio exercises but things like the dead lift, bench press, dips, dumb bell snatches and others.
This is because your body exerts so much effort in these that it goes into a state of metabolic shock for days afterward.
Your body burns calories at a significantly higher rate.
These exercises also work your abs because they stabilize the rest of your body so that you do not need to do ab specific exercises like sit ups and crunches.