3 Causes of Anxiety Symptoms
Anxiety, particularly social anxiety, can be a huge hindrance when you are trying to either procure a date or get through one well.
However, in order to deal with your anxiety symptoms, it may behoove you to understand its probable causes.
In brief, your anxiety may be inherited, physiological, or mental/emotional.
Knowing the root cause of your anxiety symptoms helps you develop a long-term battle plan to overcome them.
You might have inherited your anxiety from one or both of your parents.
Studies do indicate that people whose parents have anxiety disorders have a higher chance of getting a disorder themselves.
If anxiety disorders run in your family, do not fall into despair or worry excessively, as this will only result in a sad self-fulfilling prophecy.
The more anxious you become about your anxiety symptoms, the harder they will be to manage.
The anxiety symptoms might have a physiological cause.
Perhaps hormonal changes and imbalances have caused you to become more "on edge.
" Medicines, food, and beverages you have been ingesting also fall under this category of causes.
For instance, the physiological effect of a large amount of "uppers" in your system truly can result in anxiety symptoms.
Caffeine jitters, for instance, are not a myth at all.
Lack of exercise may also contribute to anxiety.
In other words, you should be willing to examine your daily habits to see if they are contributing to your anxiety.
Not only might you become a healthier person, but you could also enjoy your dates more.
Getting a check-up from your doctor to detect any odd hormonal changes might also improve your romantic prospects in an indirect fashion.
The last cause of anxiety symptoms may be mental or emotional.
Here, we enter the territory of disorders, phobias, and the like.
Such experiences may be rooted in traumas and other fundamentally influential experiences.
If your anxiety symptoms have these kinds of causes, you might want to try individual therapy and/or a support group in order to deal with your issues concerning socialization, particularly dating.
However, in order to deal with your anxiety symptoms, it may behoove you to understand its probable causes.
In brief, your anxiety may be inherited, physiological, or mental/emotional.
Knowing the root cause of your anxiety symptoms helps you develop a long-term battle plan to overcome them.
You might have inherited your anxiety from one or both of your parents.
Studies do indicate that people whose parents have anxiety disorders have a higher chance of getting a disorder themselves.
If anxiety disorders run in your family, do not fall into despair or worry excessively, as this will only result in a sad self-fulfilling prophecy.
The more anxious you become about your anxiety symptoms, the harder they will be to manage.
The anxiety symptoms might have a physiological cause.
Perhaps hormonal changes and imbalances have caused you to become more "on edge.
" Medicines, food, and beverages you have been ingesting also fall under this category of causes.
For instance, the physiological effect of a large amount of "uppers" in your system truly can result in anxiety symptoms.
Caffeine jitters, for instance, are not a myth at all.
Lack of exercise may also contribute to anxiety.
In other words, you should be willing to examine your daily habits to see if they are contributing to your anxiety.
Not only might you become a healthier person, but you could also enjoy your dates more.
Getting a check-up from your doctor to detect any odd hormonal changes might also improve your romantic prospects in an indirect fashion.
The last cause of anxiety symptoms may be mental or emotional.
Here, we enter the territory of disorders, phobias, and the like.
Such experiences may be rooted in traumas and other fundamentally influential experiences.
If your anxiety symptoms have these kinds of causes, you might want to try individual therapy and/or a support group in order to deal with your issues concerning socialization, particularly dating.