How Can I Save Our Relationship - Is it Even Possible?
Every couple goes through a tough time in their relationship and some even get to the point to where they are asking themselves 'How can I save our relationship- Is it even possible?' If you are one of those people, then rest assure that there are some ways in which you can possibly save your relationship.
Before trying to save your relationship, you need to figure out why you want to save your relationship in the first place. Though this may sound dumb, it is not, because people tend to hold on to things that they should let go. They are afraid of being alone and this causes them to cling to a relationship even if it is a bad one. This is why you should make sure that yours is worth saving first. After you are sure that the relationship is worth saving, there are three steps that you should take in order to try saving it.
The first step is to realize that you cannot fix the relationship by yourself. You probably think that you can, but in reality it takes two to make a relationship, so it is going to take two to save it. This means that your partner has to be willing to put effort into it and meet you at the halfway mark.
The second step is to communicate. You should talk to them without nagging or criticizing. There are going to be some hurt feelings already just from the relationship going downhill and this could build up a large wall of resentment. This wall is going to be hard to tear down and will take time, patience, and open communication. If open communication cannot be reached, then the two of you may want to find a book or a counselor to help you work on communication skills.
The third step is to own up to where you messed up. You have to be willing to be an adult and to admit to what you may have done to help make the relationship go downhill. You need to apologize for the hurt you may have caused. Remember that you love this person and they love you, so they will want to make things work, so apologizing and fessing up to what you did wrong will help greatly.
Following these three steps will answer your question of "How can I save our relationship- Is it even possible?" and help you work towards a better and happier relationship.
Before trying to save your relationship, you need to figure out why you want to save your relationship in the first place. Though this may sound dumb, it is not, because people tend to hold on to things that they should let go. They are afraid of being alone and this causes them to cling to a relationship even if it is a bad one. This is why you should make sure that yours is worth saving first. After you are sure that the relationship is worth saving, there are three steps that you should take in order to try saving it.
The first step is to realize that you cannot fix the relationship by yourself. You probably think that you can, but in reality it takes two to make a relationship, so it is going to take two to save it. This means that your partner has to be willing to put effort into it and meet you at the halfway mark.
The second step is to communicate. You should talk to them without nagging or criticizing. There are going to be some hurt feelings already just from the relationship going downhill and this could build up a large wall of resentment. This wall is going to be hard to tear down and will take time, patience, and open communication. If open communication cannot be reached, then the two of you may want to find a book or a counselor to help you work on communication skills.
The third step is to own up to where you messed up. You have to be willing to be an adult and to admit to what you may have done to help make the relationship go downhill. You need to apologize for the hurt you may have caused. Remember that you love this person and they love you, so they will want to make things work, so apologizing and fessing up to what you did wrong will help greatly.
Following these three steps will answer your question of "How can I save our relationship- Is it even possible?" and help you work towards a better and happier relationship.