How to Replace a Monofilament Fishing Line
- 1). Remove the old fishing line from the spool. Many fishermen wind the old line around their hand and then throw it away.
- 2). Ensure the fishing reel is attached to a fishing rod. This makes replacing the line easier.
- 3). Grab the end of the new fishing line and thread it through the fishing rod tip. Continue to thread the line through each of the rod guides.
- 4). If you are threading the line onto a spinning reel, open the bale of the reel. If you are putting line on a baitcasting reel, thread the line through the line guide, which is at the front of the reel.
- 5). Wrap the monofilament line around the reel spool two times, then tie it against the spool. Make sure both the line and the knot are snug against the spool.
- 6). Trim extra line above the knot, but leave 1/8 inch of tag line. This will ensure the knot will stay together, even if it slips a little bit.
- 7). Turn the handle of the reel to begin adding line to the fishing reel spool. Spin the handle until the line is 1/8 inch below the rim of the spool.
- 8). Pick up the scissors and snip the line beyond the end of the fishing pole. There should be about 1 foot of monofilament line hanging beyond the rod tip.