Environmental Reasons Recycling is the Best
With the way that global warming is going and the way that the ozone layer is getting worse, it's no wonder that everyone is trying to get people to do their part to make sure that it doesn't get worse. We all know that it can't get any better. So, what can you do to make sure that you are doing your part? Well, everyone is on this kick of recycling. More and more people find more and more things that you can recycle that will help clean up this planet that we live on. Well, there's something that it seems everyone can do as everyone seems to have one of these now days. It's simple too. All you have to do is recycle your cell phone.
So, why is it that you should go about and do this? Many people know the social reasons that they should do this. This helps people who are in some tough predicaments, but there are environmental reasons as well. Many people decide to throw them away, but people aren't normally aware of the harmful chemicals that most cell phones contain. These chemicals include, but are not limited to: lead, mercury, and cadmium. These chemicals have shown to have serious affects on the brain. To think that if you live near a landfill, you might be exposed to these chemicals becomes pretty scary for all the ways that you can come in contact with it without even knowing it. Even though the landfills are trained to contain these chemicals, there's never a one hundred percent guarantee that this is being done accurately. Many people blow this off because it is a one in a million shot, but the metals that are becoming harder to find can also be extracted from these phones as well which could benefit industries that aren't thriving as they once used to.
The biggest issue of concern though is the issue of lead poisoning since the cases have grown when it comes to this topic. More and more people are getting sick because of this metal. The only way to make sure that people do what they can to not expose themselves is to do something about it that prevents these things from seeping into the food chains and other areas that we might encounter them. This includes using the cell phones as often as we can by donating them for better uses. So, do your part and recycle that phone. The benefits are great and very important in you doing so.
So, why is it that you should go about and do this? Many people know the social reasons that they should do this. This helps people who are in some tough predicaments, but there are environmental reasons as well. Many people decide to throw them away, but people aren't normally aware of the harmful chemicals that most cell phones contain. These chemicals include, but are not limited to: lead, mercury, and cadmium. These chemicals have shown to have serious affects on the brain. To think that if you live near a landfill, you might be exposed to these chemicals becomes pretty scary for all the ways that you can come in contact with it without even knowing it. Even though the landfills are trained to contain these chemicals, there's never a one hundred percent guarantee that this is being done accurately. Many people blow this off because it is a one in a million shot, but the metals that are becoming harder to find can also be extracted from these phones as well which could benefit industries that aren't thriving as they once used to.
The biggest issue of concern though is the issue of lead poisoning since the cases have grown when it comes to this topic. More and more people are getting sick because of this metal. The only way to make sure that people do what they can to not expose themselves is to do something about it that prevents these things from seeping into the food chains and other areas that we might encounter them. This includes using the cell phones as often as we can by donating them for better uses. So, do your part and recycle that phone. The benefits are great and very important in you doing so.