The Pain of Missing My Ex
When your relationship ends the pain can seem unbearable.
To carry on each day while carrying a torch for someone can be such a hard thing to do.
In fact studies have shown it to be the same as grieving and for the grief of a broken relationship to need the same amount of time to pass as when a loved one dies.
It is as if the relationship itself has passed on and it can be easier to look at it that way.
Grief has a timeframe and if you look at your breakup with your ex as a time when you need to grieve then you can put it in it's proper context and give yourself a time limit to get over the relationship and move on.
But while you are in the midst of the heartbreak you must find a way to look past the pain and carry on in your day to day life even when it seems impossible to do so.
One of the first things to do is tell yourself that many people have gone through the same heartbreak as you and survived it.
If they can do it so can you.
Relationship breakups are nothing new and even if you feel that you are totally alone in the world you can still get through this period in your life.
Try to look upon it as a chapter in your life book.
You will get to the end of it at some point and then you will be ready to start a new chapter.
It can seem an impossible task at first but you must force yourself to stop dwelling on the past and the events leading up to your breakup.
By doing this you will help your heart to heal and give yourself a chance to move on.
And when you are least expecting it your life will take a turn for the better.
If you have close friends then spend some time with them and let them help you.
Some of your friends may have gone through their own relationship breakup and may be able to give you some practical advice but try not to bore them with your story.
If on the other hand you are in a strange place or a different country and have no close friends then try and find a way to make some.
Join a club or a gym, you will meet people who you can form friendships with.
Spending a lot of time on your own at this time is not a good idea.
Fill your day with the things you enjoy doing the most.
I know it will seem hard at first but it will get easier if you stick with it.
If you enjoy walking or jogging then perhaps either of those could help you divert your mind but do not keep going back to places where you and your ex lover spent time together, rather find somewhere new that you will enjoy visiting on your own.
The trick here is to give your mind something completely new and interesting to dwell on as opposed to the past which you cannot change anyway.
Healing yourself can be a challenge but also very rewarding.
Whether you are going to try and get back with your ex or meet someone new, a new you filled with confidence and happiness will help you get what you want.
To carry on each day while carrying a torch for someone can be such a hard thing to do.
In fact studies have shown it to be the same as grieving and for the grief of a broken relationship to need the same amount of time to pass as when a loved one dies.
It is as if the relationship itself has passed on and it can be easier to look at it that way.
Grief has a timeframe and if you look at your breakup with your ex as a time when you need to grieve then you can put it in it's proper context and give yourself a time limit to get over the relationship and move on.
But while you are in the midst of the heartbreak you must find a way to look past the pain and carry on in your day to day life even when it seems impossible to do so.
One of the first things to do is tell yourself that many people have gone through the same heartbreak as you and survived it.
If they can do it so can you.
Relationship breakups are nothing new and even if you feel that you are totally alone in the world you can still get through this period in your life.
Try to look upon it as a chapter in your life book.
You will get to the end of it at some point and then you will be ready to start a new chapter.
It can seem an impossible task at first but you must force yourself to stop dwelling on the past and the events leading up to your breakup.
By doing this you will help your heart to heal and give yourself a chance to move on.
And when you are least expecting it your life will take a turn for the better.
If you have close friends then spend some time with them and let them help you.
Some of your friends may have gone through their own relationship breakup and may be able to give you some practical advice but try not to bore them with your story.
If on the other hand you are in a strange place or a different country and have no close friends then try and find a way to make some.
Join a club or a gym, you will meet people who you can form friendships with.
Spending a lot of time on your own at this time is not a good idea.
Fill your day with the things you enjoy doing the most.
I know it will seem hard at first but it will get easier if you stick with it.
If you enjoy walking or jogging then perhaps either of those could help you divert your mind but do not keep going back to places where you and your ex lover spent time together, rather find somewhere new that you will enjoy visiting on your own.
The trick here is to give your mind something completely new and interesting to dwell on as opposed to the past which you cannot change anyway.
Healing yourself can be a challenge but also very rewarding.
Whether you are going to try and get back with your ex or meet someone new, a new you filled with confidence and happiness will help you get what you want.