Are Slimming Pills The Solution?
It's a sad fact of modern life that many people will do whatever it takes for them to lose weight.
Unfortunately, this often results in extreme behaviors such as binging, purging, overdosing on laxatives or just not eating at all.
These extreme eating habits, and the use of products such as slimming pills, can cause illness and permanent damage to the body.
There's no doubt that being constantly bombarded by glamorous media images gives many people an unrealistic idea of an attractive body shape.
However it's also true that our modern western diet is very unhealthy, leading to a huge increase in obesity levels.
So weight loss is actually necessary for many people in order to improve their health.
Many turn to slimming pills for a quick fix.
There are two main problems with this.
First, many diet pills cause unwanted side effects, let alone raising concerns about putting more chemicals into your body.
Plus, once you stop taking the slimming pills, what happens?For most people, they put any lost weight straight back on again.
The long term solution is to make a few simple changes to your diet, and increase your levels of exercise.
One change that's simple to make is to have four smaller meals each day, rather than three larger ones.
Odd as it might sound, it actually helps your metabolism function more effectively by eating more frequent, smaller meals.
Some nutritionists recommend as many as six small meals a day.
Slimming pills, on the other hand, generally work by suppressing your appetite.
So instead of keeping your metabolism ticking over regularly throughout the day, it just ends up getting confused.
Your body also needs a wide variety of vitamins and minerals for optimum health.
You can't get those by not eating because slimming pills have suppressed your appetite.
Of course you probably need to do more than eat smaller meals more frequently if you want to lose weight.
You also need to reduce saturated fats, eat healthier foods from the main food groups, and increase your level of exercise.
Making these changes will help you lose weight healthily and keep it off for the long term, unlike slimming pills.
Unfortunately, this often results in extreme behaviors such as binging, purging, overdosing on laxatives or just not eating at all.
These extreme eating habits, and the use of products such as slimming pills, can cause illness and permanent damage to the body.
There's no doubt that being constantly bombarded by glamorous media images gives many people an unrealistic idea of an attractive body shape.
However it's also true that our modern western diet is very unhealthy, leading to a huge increase in obesity levels.
So weight loss is actually necessary for many people in order to improve their health.
Many turn to slimming pills for a quick fix.
There are two main problems with this.
First, many diet pills cause unwanted side effects, let alone raising concerns about putting more chemicals into your body.
Plus, once you stop taking the slimming pills, what happens?For most people, they put any lost weight straight back on again.
The long term solution is to make a few simple changes to your diet, and increase your levels of exercise.
One change that's simple to make is to have four smaller meals each day, rather than three larger ones.
Odd as it might sound, it actually helps your metabolism function more effectively by eating more frequent, smaller meals.
Some nutritionists recommend as many as six small meals a day.
Slimming pills, on the other hand, generally work by suppressing your appetite.
So instead of keeping your metabolism ticking over regularly throughout the day, it just ends up getting confused.
Your body also needs a wide variety of vitamins and minerals for optimum health.
You can't get those by not eating because slimming pills have suppressed your appetite.
Of course you probably need to do more than eat smaller meals more frequently if you want to lose weight.
You also need to reduce saturated fats, eat healthier foods from the main food groups, and increase your level of exercise.
Making these changes will help you lose weight healthily and keep it off for the long term, unlike slimming pills.