Native American Art & Music
- Native Americans often use local scenery in their art.monument valley navajo tribal park image by Gary from
Through television and film, although not always accurately portrayed, some tribes have become familiar by name: Cherokee, Apache, Inca, Maya, Lakota, Mohawk, Seminole, Navajo, Shoshone, Aleut, Aztec and Comanche. But comparatively, few people know of the Miwok, Klamath, Aymara, Penobscot, Hoh, A'aninin, Kiowa, Tehuelche, Illini, Haida, Kaingang, Tlingit, Mi'kmaq, and Quecha. These are only a few of the names of tribes in the Americas.
Many Native American nations have divisions of tribes and bands, such as the Red Lake or Turtle Mountain Band of the Chippewa (Ojibway). While some tribes have similar artifacts and histories, their cultures are represented by a wide array of languages, symbols and motifs. - Art interprets ancient histories or the mingling of modern experiences. Native Americans have traditionally carved totems that tell of their lives. Totem animals often featured are the bear, wolf, beaver, eagle, salmon and whale. These and other animals appear on baskets, paintings, sculptures, leatherwork and pottery. Bead, textile and quillwork can be extraordinarily detailed, using designs that represent nature's forces, flowers and geometric patterns. Effigy and animal carvings can also be found on ceremonial pipes. Dream catchers and medicine wheels have specific uses for some and are decorative for others. American Indian jewelry ranges from the traditional silver and turquoise designs of the Southwest, to Inuit scrimshaw, to the shells of the Ni'ihau. Modern Indian jewelers like the elusive Byron K. often apply traditional principles to their creations.
- Nearly all Native American music is accentuated by the drum. Large drums are used for ceremonies and songs, and they make their way into both traditional and modern Native American music. Rattles, shakers, and gourds are also among instruments common to tribal cultures. More and more in modern times, the flute can be heard, but it dates back eons to include whistles and panpipes. From tribal peoples of Cuzco, to Mike Serna or Carlos Nakai, panpipes and flutes are becoming more appreciated.
- Tipis line up at a powwow.tepees on the great plains image by Jeff from
Tribal gatherings, such as festivals and powwows, are wonderful places for finding Indian art and experiencing their music. Red Earth is a major, intertribal powwow held in the summer of each year in Oklahoma City. Many powwows can be found through calendar listings online at
Garments worn for powwows often feature art and design with embroidery, beads, bells, bone and feathers. The drums seldom cease.
The powwow is a sacred ceremony, akin to attending any spiritual service, where hosts, dancers, singers and drummers offer prayers to the four directions. Nations gather in the community, artists compete, and anyone who is interested in the tribal cultures can learn more. - Indian art can be found in museums and galleries.Native American/ First Nation People Totem Carving image by Paul Knott from
Museums and galleries that focus on Native American art and music can be found across the continents of North and South America. Collectors may want to visit museum gift shops as well as galleries near tribal lands. If you purchase anything, make sure it is authentic. A few more famous museums include the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C., the Institute of American Indian Arts Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the Cherokee Heritage Center in Park Hill, Oklahoma, and the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver, B.C. Many lesser-known galleries and museums also exist, including the The Museum of the Makah Tribe in Neah Bay, Washington. - The art and music of Native Americans is plentiful. From Ushuaia at the tip of South America to the Northwest Territories of Canada, the many forms of Native tribal culture expressed through art and music continue to share origins and cultures worthy of our full respect.
Museums and Galleries