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Family Life & Health : Health & Medical
National Sportsmanship Day
National Sportsmanship Day aims to celebrate and promote sportsmanship among players, coaches, administrators, and parents, and to spark conversation about what sportsmanship means. Learn more about how to observe National Sportsmanship Day.
Factors Related to Cardiovascular Risk Score Reduction
This study examined which patient and treatment factors influence changes in cardiovascular risk estimation in individuals with mild to moderately elevated cardiovascular risk.
Cooldown Exercises
Government agencies recommend that adults participate in 75 to 150 minutes of moderate of vigorous exercise each week. Cool down exercises at the end of your workout session, while not required, can be part of the process. Build cooling down time into your workout routine to promote circulation and
Socio-Economic Status and Hemoglobin A1c Levels
Should socioeconomic status be an additional independent risk factor in clinical decision support tools informing diabetes screening?
Erikson's Stages Associated With Adulthood
Erik Erikson was a psychoanalyst who studied developmental tasks at different stages of life. His theories divided human developmental cycles into eight discrete stages. The first four stages -- infant, toddler, preschooler and school-age child -- range from zero to approximately twelve years of age
Cardio That Does Not Strain the Foot
Cardiovascular exercise is an effective tool you have in your arsenal to help reduce body fat, control weight, improve muscle tone and impact your overall health. However, because of the joint impact and wear and tear on your body during cardio exercise, you may be experiencing pain from shin splits
Soda Bottle Baseball Bat
Use recyclables and household items to make your own kids fitness equipment. These low- to no-cost active toys are simple to create and fun to play with.
Telehealth to Manage Hypertension in General Practice
A simple telehealth program was introduced in England to encourage patients to take responsibility for the monitoring and shared management of their blood pressure. Did it achieve its goals?
Empathy and Perspective Taking in Understanding Burnout
Does the way in which primary care physicians relate to their patients have an impact on their risk of burnout?
Empathy and Perspective Taking in Understanding Burnout
Does the way in which primary care physicians relate to their patients have an impact on their risk of burnout?
The Use of Quality Information by General Practitioners
To what extent are primary care physicians influenced by performance indicators on medical effectiveness and patient experiences when referring patients to hospitals?
Share the Trail: Hiking Manners for Kids
Going hiking? Make sure you know basic trail manners for kids, pets, and adults. Sharing the trail makes enjoying the outdoors safer and more fun.
Effect of Facemasks on Empathy and Relational Continuity
Wearing a facemask during consultations has become commonplace in many clinical situations in Asia, but it may negatively impact patient trust and physician-patient communication.
Halloween Games That Keep Kids Moving
These active Halloween games are suitable for all ages and for large or small groups. These fun activities encourage physical activity and fun with a Halloween theme.
What $1 Billion Buys in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity
How would you spend $1 billion to combat childhood obesity? The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has a plan (and First Lady Michelle Obama praises it).
Living Alone With Cancer in Older Age
This study compared the experiences and future preferences for care between two groups of older people with cancer in their last year of life; those who live alone, and those who live with caregivers.
“But I Hate Gym!”
It's a common complaint--kids often say they hate gym class. Here is a three-step method for changing their minds and helping them love, or at least tolerate, PE.
GPs' Recognition of Death in the Foreseeable Future
How early in the stage of a patient's illness does their primary care physician recognize that it will be terminal? On what information is this determination based?
Chest Pain: Is the Location of Pain Diagnostically Helpful?
When presented with patients complaining of chest pain, primary care providers are trained to elicit the exact pain location. But is this a reliable diagnostic tool?
How Many Hypertensive Patients Can Be Controlled in Reality
Can a multifaceted improvement strategy, including extensive use of home BP monitoring, increase patient adherence and improve control of hypertension?