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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
It's a Dogs Life!
Dogs are great companions to have in our lives. This article as been designed to help you keep your dog happy and healthy.
Caring For Your Old Faithful Dog
In exchange for your dog's companionship and loyalty, give him the care he needs in his or her old age. Caring for an old dog is not much different from caring for old family members.
Pyoderma in Weimaraners
Pyoderma is a bacterial infection of the skin and can affect any part of your dog’s body. The Weimaraner is one of the breeds that are prone to certain types of pyoderma, such as pododermatitis, which affects the feet, and recurrent pyoderma. They can attract this bacterial skin infection on a
Man's Best Furless Friend
There are several breeds of dog that do not have hair.Hairless dog breeds make great companions, but do require extra protection from the elements.
Discover How to Keep Your Golden Retriever Healthy
If you want your golden retriever to be in the best of health then it is important for you to ensure that your puppy is being cared for the right way. In this piece of writing, I am going to talk about some of the common illnesses that your golden may suffer from and how you can care for your golden
Obedience Training for the French Bulldog
Before you start obedience training with your French Bulldogs, there are some things you must be aware of. The size of your dog, sounds, commands, and rewards are all key components to successful training.
How to Treat Dog Mange With Home Remedies
Mange is a skin condition caused by mites in dogs. The two types of mange affecting dogs are demodectic mange and sarcoptic mange. Demodectic mites live naturally on dogs and only become a problem if the dog's immune system is compromised and the mites gain the upper hand. Sarcoptic mange, also call
How to Make a Puppy Stop Leading With His Mouth
You might think it's cute now, when your puppy bites on his leash and tries to lead you where he wants to go, but when he's fully grown and uncontrollable it will be anything but adorable. Part of being a responsible dog owner is training your dog to walk on a leash and obey commands. Allowing your
Keep Your Doggy Warm by Buying Him a Sweater
In wintertime, your pooch may get cold. Most people don't like to see their pets shiver, so they're looking for ways to keep them warm. And bless you for doing so, as this will be beneficial to your pet's health. With all the love your doggy gives you, you owe him this at the very lea
Great Dog Food Nutrition Tips
Just like humans, dogs have their own set of nutrition needs. Read on to find out what these are so you can be sure that your pet will be healthy.
Train Your Dog Using Hand Signals
Many dog owners out there are quite surprised to learn that dog training using hand signals can be more effective than your conventional verbal commands in many instances. The main reason why this is a reality is because of the innate wildness inherit in all our domestic pets.
I Make My Own Homemade Dog Food
Making home made dog food has been a passion of mine since 1959, and it all started when I was 9 years old a my special dog was getting plump, so I asked my mother why my dog Queenie was getting kind of fat around the tummy, and she responded," maybe Queenie is going to have puppies". Well
Transporting Dogs in the Car
Many people have developed the habit of letting their dog ride in the passenger seat next to them. This is a mistake, mainly for safety reasons.
Gifts after the Death of a Dog
Remembrance gifts for grieving dog owners are a good way to express sympathy.The dog image by Beausoir from Fotolia.comDemonstrate your sympathy following a beloved canine companion's death with a gift that honors the lost pet's place in your friend's heart. Commercially available pet...
Housetraining My Dog - 5 Simple Rules
One of the most common questions that I get asked is how I go about housetraining my dog. There seems to be some popularly held beliefs out there when it comes to dog house training that need to be addressed.
Taming an Aggressive Adult Dog Correctly
The best way to tame an aggressive adult dog is to train them. Most of the people think that it is impossible to train an adult dog and the fact is you not only can train their behaviors but also new tricks. Taming an aggressive adult dog is not difficult but it has to be done correctly.
How to Make a Male Dog Diaper
As your dog gets older, he may suffer from incontinence, which will lead to accidents in the house. A male dog diaper wraps around your dog's waist and protects your floors from accidents. And if you have a sewing machine handy, they're a snap to make. Cotton fleece is the best material to use for a
Your Dog's Excessive Barking - How to Stop it Now
You CAN Fix Excessive Barking. Excessive barking can be a terrible problem for dog owners, but with the right understanding of your dog's behavior, it can be fixed. If you understand why your dog is barking and interrupt this behavior, it is often easily and quickly changed.
Want to Stop Dog Biting Problems?
Aggression in your dog is probably the most important problem to overcome both for your own safety and your dog's. However, there are many ways to stop dog biting problems, read on to discover just a few.