Hosta sieboldiana
Hosta sieboldiana is a species of Hosta that originated in Asia. This species is one of the most commonly used in the home garden. It is a large plant that grows to 24 inches high and 45 inches wide. The leaves are 14 inches long and 10 inches wide.
The color of Hosta sieboldiana [] is a solid blue green. The leaves of sieboldiana are textured and have strong veining. This Hosta species has white flowers.
Sieboldiana Hosta itself is not often grown in gardens but the varieties that come from this plant are. One of the early varieties is Hosta Elegans. Elegans was one of the first blue Hosta plants and remains popular today. It can often be found in older shade gardens.
A blue hybrid of sieboldiana is Big Daddy. This is a large blue Hosta with just a touch of gold in the center. Big Daddy has won several awards for the color of its leaves.
Frances Williams is a variegated blue Hosta which was a sport of Elegans. Frances Williams was a very hot garden plant when it first came out but does have a few problems with leaf burn when exposed to sunlight.
There are more sieboldiana varieties than I can mention here but the above is a nice selection to get any new Hosta gardener started. Most of those 3 are easy to find and inexpensive to purchase. There are many newer varieties which lack some of the problems of the classic plants, but the classics are still grown and loved by many.
Hosta sieboldiana is a fantastic garden plant. It likes shade and the thick leaves give it slug resistance. Slugs do like to eat Hosta plants and any variety with some slug resistance is going to find a garden to call home. Perhaps it could be your garden.
The color of Hosta sieboldiana [] is a solid blue green. The leaves of sieboldiana are textured and have strong veining. This Hosta species has white flowers.
Sieboldiana Hosta itself is not often grown in gardens but the varieties that come from this plant are. One of the early varieties is Hosta Elegans. Elegans was one of the first blue Hosta plants and remains popular today. It can often be found in older shade gardens.
A blue hybrid of sieboldiana is Big Daddy. This is a large blue Hosta with just a touch of gold in the center. Big Daddy has won several awards for the color of its leaves.
Frances Williams is a variegated blue Hosta which was a sport of Elegans. Frances Williams was a very hot garden plant when it first came out but does have a few problems with leaf burn when exposed to sunlight.
There are more sieboldiana varieties than I can mention here but the above is a nice selection to get any new Hosta gardener started. Most of those 3 are easy to find and inexpensive to purchase. There are many newer varieties which lack some of the problems of the classic plants, but the classics are still grown and loved by many.
Hosta sieboldiana is a fantastic garden plant. It likes shade and the thick leaves give it slug resistance. Slugs do like to eat Hosta plants and any variety with some slug resistance is going to find a garden to call home. Perhaps it could be your garden.