Should You Choose Penis Pills Or Penis Exercises?
For thousands of years the majority of men have wanted for a bigger penis size.
No secret that not every man has a big and thick penis which women adore.
Usually, a man with a big penis is considered as almost an idol, and the talk of the crowd among a group of girlfriends.
Often men who do not have the advantage of already having a large member are considered bad in bed, or being a boy who has not yet matured.
Sometimes, these unlucky men are teased, bullied, or laughed at for their smaller than average penis.
In recent times, the majority of males have average sized penises.
With the way society is they can not help themselves from feeling bad about their problem, and want a bigger member.
These men must remember that their problem is only hereditary and it is not their fault.
As more men have came to realize this mankind has been on the move to create enlargement exercises, herbal medicines, devices, and even surgery that can solve their problem with penis size.
One of the most popular methods, penis exercises, has been around for centuries and is considered a good way to produce results.
Among the most common exercises is a method called "Jelging".
Jelging is thought to have its origins in Arabia and practiced by men on the verge of marriage.
In order to please their future wives, yes men over there often have many to please, they practice Jelging.
Jelging is thought to enlarge the penis both in length and width.
The basic concept of "Jelging" is massaging of the penis for long periods, where you hold the base firmly with one hand and then stroke the penis (only upwards, or stroking up towards the tip moving blood to the tip and not stroking the way back down) in a non-erect state.
Also, the normal time required or suggested for Jelging is about 1-hour straight, and despite this long period of time it is still a common practice among men, even with now better, more effective enlargement methods.
Although jelqing is normally considered safe, it has risks of damaging the penis with excessive pressure.
Contrary to popular belief nearly all penis exercises are actually unsafe and can be harmful to your penis.
A common problem after using jelqing exercises is erection damage.
Exercising the penis excessively will often cause it change color, from brusing and other reasons, which then will cause further medical and sexual problems for you.
In the past couple of decades enhancement pills have been brought about to solve the problems of a small penis or erectile dysfunctions.
Professionals from many fields including scientists and doctors have collaborated to try and develop the most effective male enhancement pill.
Rather than using prescription ingredients or man made "compounds" the team at VigRX Plus has used the eastern medicine like method to create an extremely safe and effective enhancement pill.
All natural enhancement pills are comprised of plant extracts, and herbs which are guaranteed to cause zero side effects.
Besides from being safer, and more effective, all natural male enhancement pills are also proven to provide longer lasting, more permanent enhancement than prescription pills or exercises.
All of the enhancement pills which are prescriptions contain chemicals, with ingredients created by man in laboratories.
Consequently, these prescription pills normally contain components that harm the body if used and only address the problem in the short-term.
Both enhancement pills and exercises can enlarge the penis.
However, all natural penis pills offer advantages over exercises, which includes more safety and faster results.
Some men also like to combine the two enlargement methods for very fast results.
Stay cautious about performing the exercises excessively to avoid damaging the penis and your erection ability.
If you stick to the exercise or enhancement pill guidelines and do exactly as they instruct then you will have a larger and more satisfying penis in a relatively short time.
No secret that not every man has a big and thick penis which women adore.
Usually, a man with a big penis is considered as almost an idol, and the talk of the crowd among a group of girlfriends.
Often men who do not have the advantage of already having a large member are considered bad in bed, or being a boy who has not yet matured.
Sometimes, these unlucky men are teased, bullied, or laughed at for their smaller than average penis.
In recent times, the majority of males have average sized penises.
With the way society is they can not help themselves from feeling bad about their problem, and want a bigger member.
These men must remember that their problem is only hereditary and it is not their fault.
As more men have came to realize this mankind has been on the move to create enlargement exercises, herbal medicines, devices, and even surgery that can solve their problem with penis size.
One of the most popular methods, penis exercises, has been around for centuries and is considered a good way to produce results.
Among the most common exercises is a method called "Jelging".
Jelging is thought to have its origins in Arabia and practiced by men on the verge of marriage.
In order to please their future wives, yes men over there often have many to please, they practice Jelging.
Jelging is thought to enlarge the penis both in length and width.
The basic concept of "Jelging" is massaging of the penis for long periods, where you hold the base firmly with one hand and then stroke the penis (only upwards, or stroking up towards the tip moving blood to the tip and not stroking the way back down) in a non-erect state.
Also, the normal time required or suggested for Jelging is about 1-hour straight, and despite this long period of time it is still a common practice among men, even with now better, more effective enlargement methods.
Although jelqing is normally considered safe, it has risks of damaging the penis with excessive pressure.
Contrary to popular belief nearly all penis exercises are actually unsafe and can be harmful to your penis.
A common problem after using jelqing exercises is erection damage.
Exercising the penis excessively will often cause it change color, from brusing and other reasons, which then will cause further medical and sexual problems for you.
In the past couple of decades enhancement pills have been brought about to solve the problems of a small penis or erectile dysfunctions.
Professionals from many fields including scientists and doctors have collaborated to try and develop the most effective male enhancement pill.
Rather than using prescription ingredients or man made "compounds" the team at VigRX Plus has used the eastern medicine like method to create an extremely safe and effective enhancement pill.
All natural enhancement pills are comprised of plant extracts, and herbs which are guaranteed to cause zero side effects.
Besides from being safer, and more effective, all natural male enhancement pills are also proven to provide longer lasting, more permanent enhancement than prescription pills or exercises.
All of the enhancement pills which are prescriptions contain chemicals, with ingredients created by man in laboratories.
Consequently, these prescription pills normally contain components that harm the body if used and only address the problem in the short-term.
Both enhancement pills and exercises can enlarge the penis.
However, all natural penis pills offer advantages over exercises, which includes more safety and faster results.
Some men also like to combine the two enlargement methods for very fast results.
Stay cautious about performing the exercises excessively to avoid damaging the penis and your erection ability.
If you stick to the exercise or enhancement pill guidelines and do exactly as they instruct then you will have a larger and more satisfying penis in a relatively short time.