Beginner Putting Techinques
Putting Drills I thought long and hard about this chapter, do I or don't I.
I can give you 50 different practice drills that could improve you're putting.
But I have decided to give you just a few and I know this will help immediately.
Practice Your Putting Touch If you are going to spend time on the practice green, practice putting from one end of the green to the other.
Practice putting to the edge of the green, not to the holes.
There is a time to putt to the holes that will come later.
The best way to practice your putting and work on distance is observe the kids when they practice.
I have never ever seen a 10 year old girl or boy practicing their STROKE...
They are always playing games.
The games they are playing are GET THE BALL IN THE HOLE IN THE FEWEST STROKES.
They putt left handed, between their legs, or around a cup of soda.
They don't even know they are practicing their touch.
For thirty years I have said that every child's putting stroke is ruined the first time an adult walks up to them and says "you can't do it like that you have to do it like this".
Putting Stroke Mechanics Now when you want to work on something mechanical, work on the clubface returning square if you think it isn't.
Practice some straight two or three foot putts and if you are not rolling them straight into the hole maybe the clubface is not square at impact.
Isn't it amazing? You will spend 15 minutes on the practice putting green with a cell phone in one hand and the putter in the other and you make every putt you look at.
Thirty minutes later you miss a 3 footer on the first hole, 3 putt number 2 from 10 feet, blow a tap in at 7 and three putt four times on the back nine.
I really believe that some of that comes from trying too hard.
I think the combination of not having a routine for putting EVERY putt on the golf course and putting so much pressure on EVERY putt you have on the golf course.
Pressure means you think you should make the putt or you think you shouldn't three putt a certain putt.
Try playing 9 holes with the attitude and routine of the practice green and see what happens to your putting confidence.
This is a great article from Pure Point Golf, for a good DVD on putting http://changeyourswing.
I can give you 50 different practice drills that could improve you're putting.
But I have decided to give you just a few and I know this will help immediately.
Practice Your Putting Touch If you are going to spend time on the practice green, practice putting from one end of the green to the other.
Practice putting to the edge of the green, not to the holes.
There is a time to putt to the holes that will come later.
The best way to practice your putting and work on distance is observe the kids when they practice.
I have never ever seen a 10 year old girl or boy practicing their STROKE...
They are always playing games.
The games they are playing are GET THE BALL IN THE HOLE IN THE FEWEST STROKES.
They putt left handed, between their legs, or around a cup of soda.
They don't even know they are practicing their touch.
For thirty years I have said that every child's putting stroke is ruined the first time an adult walks up to them and says "you can't do it like that you have to do it like this".
Putting Stroke Mechanics Now when you want to work on something mechanical, work on the clubface returning square if you think it isn't.
Practice some straight two or three foot putts and if you are not rolling them straight into the hole maybe the clubface is not square at impact.
Isn't it amazing? You will spend 15 minutes on the practice putting green with a cell phone in one hand and the putter in the other and you make every putt you look at.
Thirty minutes later you miss a 3 footer on the first hole, 3 putt number 2 from 10 feet, blow a tap in at 7 and three putt four times on the back nine.
I really believe that some of that comes from trying too hard.
I think the combination of not having a routine for putting EVERY putt on the golf course and putting so much pressure on EVERY putt you have on the golf course.
Pressure means you think you should make the putt or you think you shouldn't three putt a certain putt.
Try playing 9 holes with the attitude and routine of the practice green and see what happens to your putting confidence.
This is a great article from Pure Point Golf, for a good DVD on putting http://changeyourswing.